Chapter 18

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Dean rolls over, making me jump. In all my work, I learned that it was the first guy that died. John Alimony was our ghost. He was buried in the Rest Cemetery. He took these girls because they looked like his daughters.

Dean slowly woke up and I got up,"While you were asleep, I figured out the pattern and where the ghosts body is." I whispered to him as I walked over to him.

"Oh, yeah?" He said sleepily.

"Yeah. After Sam wakes up, we could get breakfast, then burn the bones and get out of this town."

"Yeah, ok. I'm going to go take a shower." Dean says, still not quite awake.

"Ok." I said as Dean got up, got some clothes, and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower running a little while later.

I sat down on the bad and looked at Sam. He was sweating and kept moving his head. Another vision? Or 'Yellow Eyes' visiting him?

Sam tossed and turned. I laid down and tried to think about something else.


"Mia!" My best friend called out to me.

"What, Theresa?" I asked patiently.

"Isn't that Anna with Mike?" Theresa laughed. I, however was in no mood to laugh. I stormed over there.

"Anna! Come with me now!" I said as Anna turned. Her face turned white.

"Mia? Oh, please don't tell mom or dad!" She said, following me.

"Why are you still with him? He hurt you!"

"I like him, Mia." She said. My face soften.

"I won't tell."


The shower stopped when I 'came to'. I got up and jumped when Dean opened the door. He was in a light blue plaid shirt and jeans,"Hey. Sammy still sleeping?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to go take a shower." I told him. I walk over to my bag and grab some clothes. I walk over to the bathroom with my clean clothes in my hands, shut the door, and turn on the shower. I quickly got undressed and got in.

I got out after a 5 minute shower. I get dressed and braid my long, wavy hair. I get out and grab my pajamas. I throw them in my bag and look back. Dean was crouched down over Sam.

"What happened?" I ask Dean as I run over there.

"Sam had another vision." He informed me.

"About who?" I ask them.

"Another one of 'Yellow Eyes' children." Sam said, looking up.

"Where?" I said. I was sitting on Sams bed.

"Ohio." Dean answered for him.

"Well! burn the bones and leave town. Then well go to Ohio and help the guy or girl." I said, making me remember what Castiel said to me.'In a couple days, after you've seen for yourself how powerful it is.' Maybe when I'm in Ohio, I can finally tell them. I winced.

"Mia, are you ok?" Dean asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Lets burn some bones and get the hell out of here." I repeated. Dean didn't seem convinced.

"Yeah. Sam can take a shower and we can get our bags ready." Dean said, standing up. I wish Castiel would let me tell them.

Sam got some clothes and got into the shower. I walked over to my bag and zipped it up. I turned around and bumped into Dean. He wrapped his arms around me,"Are you ok? I'm serious." He asked me.

"Yeah. I swear, Dean. I'm fine." I lied. Actually, I so far from fine, I could have been on two different states.

"Yeah, ok." Dean muttered.


"Nothing. Lets put our bags in the trunk." Dean said to me. He grabbed his duffle as I grabbed my book bag. We go out to Deans car and put our bags in his trunk.

We started to head back to the hotel, when Sam came out with his bag. He opens the trunk, puts his bag in it, and shuts it. He gets in the front, giving me the backseat. Dean and I get in.

"What did you figure out?" Sam asked me.

"Can I see the notebook from your laptop bag?" I asked him.

"Sure." Sam said, pulling it from his laptop bag. He handed it to me and I flipped it open.

"John Alimony's our ghost. He was buried in the Rest Cemetery." I told them, reading from my notes.

"Ok." Dean said, driving away.

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