Chapter 5

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We rode in silence, the brothers giving me looks every so often to check on me, until we pull into the docks. Dean shuts off his car before he chose to ask Sam something, since he was the one who got the call. "How did... whoever die?"

"Didn't say, except that it was weird." Sam said. Dean thought about it as he got out of the car. Sam and I get out and walk over to where the police were. Dean walks over to the body and Sam talks to the police that was there while I drift over to where the smelly white and red boats are, thinking about the last time I was here; about five or six years ago.


"Mia! Will you teach me how to skip the rocks? Please?" Anna pleaded for the fourth time. She came up to my waist, about your average hight for an eleven year old.

"I think Alex does it better then me! You should ask him for help!" Alex was about a foot and a half shorter than me and is the most annoying thirteen year old that I knew. But, I still loved him anyway.

The memory shifted, until all I could see was black and blood. "No! Stop! This isn't you! This isn't you, dad! Stop!" I screamed, but it was no use. My dad's eyes went all black. It scared the crap out me, since it was so unnatural. His eyes were blue, not black.

"You can't stop me!" My dad laughed and stabbed himself in the stomach. He threw back his head and yelled, black smoke came out of his mouth, leaving him dead. I rushed over to my mother's cold hand, grabbing it tightly, rocking back and forth slowly. I cried, not only for my parents that had just lost their lives, but also for myself. I had just lost both of my parents, and my sister and brother were left with nothing except ourselves.


Dean crept up from behind me, scaring me the crap out of me. "We're leaving now. It was the same thing that got you. Come on." Dean started to walk back to his car and I followed. Sam and Dean exchanged looks again, but the only thing that I could hear was the purr of Dean's car. "I need sleep." Dean stated, backing away from the docks and drove away. The sun was just barely setting, giving the water a red orange glow. I looked at it one that time before we left, leaving dust behind us.


Dean shuts off his car and we all get out. Sam pulls out a room key and unlocks the door. We walk in and the first thing that Dean does is flop onto the bed where I was when I first woke up. "You going to sleep?" Sam asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Damn straight. Screw conciseness, that what I say." Dean's voice was muffled from the bed. Sam shakes his head and smiled. I laugh when I hear Dean snore quietly.

"Charming." I comment. I was grinning from Dean's behavior, not that he could see. But nonetheless, it was funny to see that he wasn't always... serious.

"Always." Sam smiled again. He sat down on his bed, stretching out his long limbs.

"Do you have a pen and some paper? I'm bored." I asked Sam, who nodded. He grabbed his laptop bag and fished out a pen and a notebook, then handed it to me. The first page was filled with names and dates, presumably for this case. I flipped to the next page and started to draw.

I didn't really know what I was drawing at first, but it turned out to be my father, with the cold black eyes. I started to make my mom at the bottom of the page, laying in her own blood. In a corner, a drew the knife that ended both of my parents' lives. I could feel tears prickling at my eyes, but refused to let them drop. I set them down on the desk in front of me and looked away.

Sam walked over to me, about to ask me something, when he saw my drawings. "May I?" Sam asked for the notebook so I handed it back to him and nodded. "Who are they?" Sam asked, looking down at me with curiosity.

"My parents. My dad... killed my mom. But he stabbed himself, too. He should've fallen, right then and there, but he didn't. Then, black smoke came from his mouth and he fell, leaving me and my siblings parentless." I told him, the words pouring out of my mouth without my consent. Tears fell, one after another, until Sam said anything. I wiped them away, ashamed in a way that I cried so much in front of them.

"Who are your siblings?" He asked me, eyebrows raised. Like he knew them.

"Alex and Anna Reyes." I replied. I stood up straighter and held back my tears, calming myself down. I took a deep breath, in and out.

"Wait... No. It can't be." Sam started to pace. He walked over to the bed where Dean was. Sam yelled at his brother, waking him up with a start and Dean got up slowly. He groaned and looked hazy, rubbing his eyes. I could tell he did not appreciate being woken up. He'd only gotten an hour at the most. "Do you remember that demon case a few years back about 40 miles away from here? It was the first case that dad let us take without him."

"Yeah, I remember. Why?" Dean closed his eyes before replying. What was this about?

"Do you remember the name of the last person to die? Right before we caught and sent back to Hell?" Sam asked, searching the drawing for answers.

"Wasn't it something like Paul or something? After killing him, that was how we found it, right?" He asked, making my heart shatter into a thousand pieces. They were there and didn't stop it. My siblings and I could have had my parents still, but no. They didn't stop it. This made me angry.

Sam held up my drawing of my dad. "Right. It was Paul Reyes, Mia's dad." Sam let Dean see the drawing closer and sighed.

He squinted at my drawing, then looked over at me. "I remember. I'm sorry, Mia."

"What do you remember about it?" Sam asked me quietly. He turned, putting an arm around me for comfort.

"I can remember it all. I remember screaming out when my mother hit the cement... and that she was laying in a pool of her own blood. I remember what her face looked like and how her arms slumped together. I remember screaming out to my father, because I knew it wasn't him. And how his eyes turned completely black. How he laughed and stabbed himself in front of me. How he threw back his head and black smoke came out of his mouth, leaving everyone around me dead." I wiped away some tears before repeating,"I remember everything." I wiped away some more of the tears that came. Any other words that I could've said got stuck in my throat, and my heart have a painful few beats. I felt broken.

"I'm so sorry." Sam said to me, pulling me closer. I allow it, even though I don't like it, I allow it. I never was big on the personal contact as much as I should be. I'm always afraid that they'd hit me, and I know that's not normal. I cried on Sam's shoulder, as Dean played with my hair from behind. Dean made shushing noises, but the brothers both comforted me in their own ways, all of which I appreciated.

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