Chapter 6

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I pulled away from the brothers and start to walk out when Dean grabbed my arm. "I need some air. Can I sit in your car?" I asked, pleasing with my eyes. He hesitated a second, then caved, holding out the keys and I snatched them up.

"Drive her and I will kill you." Dean threatened me as I left, nodding once to show that I heard him. I unlocked the car and slid into the back, my shoulder resting against the seat.

I sat in Dean's impala for at least half of an hour before Dean came out to talk to me. The hotel door shut just as he got to me. "Hey." He mumbled, sitting down next to me and I scooted over, leaving enough room for the both of us. "I'm sorry about your parents, Mia. Mine are gone, too. I know how hard it is."

"I can see it in your eyes, the pain,  eating away at the important things in your life, making you feel like you can't have any fun because they're dead. You lost your parents, but you kept fighting. You kept fighting the things that want to eat you. It hurts you, and... I know." I finished, looking down at the leather seats. Dean brushed his hand gently on my chin, nudging it up.

"You're right." He admitted quietly.

"I... am?" I said, taken aback. Well, I knew I was, but I didn't figure that Dean was manly enough to admit it.

"Yes." Dean leans in and kisses me on the cheek. He gets out of his back seat and pulls me out along with him."Come along." He walks back to the hotel room and I shut the door. It creaks shut and I walk quickly to catch up to Dean.

Sam was sitting on the other bed, reading an old leather bound journal."Nothing in dad's journal explains everything that happened here." Sam sighted, putting the journal down as we shut the door. "Do you remember anything else about the man?" Sam asked me. I shook me head, but an idea came into my head.

"When you cut me with that blade, you said it was for shifters. What is a shifter?" I ask them. Sam look at Dean, nods, then answers me.

"It's a thing that can change its appearance, make it look like other people. It sheds its skin to look like another person." Sam explains, making me think back to when the man took me in. I shivered.


As I drove home, that feeling got worse and worse. I passed the small diner on fifty third and saw a man who I recognized as Sam coming back out. I drive further and hit a stop light. Great I thought. The cars passed me without stopping, just like a normal day. But today didn't seem right; normal.

Suddenly, a man jumped out at me, and into my car. His long blond hair was in a pony tail and hazel eyes were stern. He was wearing a green shirt and jeans. I nervously glanced over at him. "What do you want?" My voice was wavering slightly.

"Drive. Go to the old warehouse on Fifteen." He ordered, his mouth pressing into a thin, white line. I would've guessed he was in his 30's, if it wasn't for the bags under his eyes.

"No." I said firmly, my voice shaking only a little. The man's eyes turned black, all black. It scared the hell out of me so I did what he wanted, bringing back bad old memories. I'm pretty sure that he's going to kill me. Just like those other kidnapees.

I drove out to that warehouse, the only warehouse that doesn't have anything around it. I'm going to die I thought again. Just like those other adults. When I hit another stop light, I looked over to the man. He rolled up his sleeve and was examining a mark on the inside of his elbow closely. The skin was peeling away.


"Could a demon posses a shifter?" I asked Dean, slowly telling my idea.

"I don't know. Why?" Dean said with a sigh. He was looking through an old book, not the journal that Sam previously was reading.

"I think I might know what it is." I admit, though cautiously. What the fuck? I don't know most if what's out there. What am I doing? I know nothing about the supernatural. A few days ago, that was just books and movies. Now this is real. Just shut up, and don't make yourself look like an idiot. My conscience told me, and I wished I would've listened to it when I thought about this later.

"What?" Dean asked, giving up on the book and looking straight into my eyes, as if the answer was swimming around in them.

"When I was tied up, I looked around. The people- the missing people- were in a cage, but they weren't screaming out things to get my attention. Now maybe the man didn't want information. Maybe it wanted more shifters by giving them his blood. I don't know if that's how you become a shape shifter, but maybe. Then the demon possessed the shifter, creating something with no morals and could look like anyone, or so I've picked up." I said, making Dean smile. Just like he could kiss me. I hope he does, I wouldn't mind it. The perfect round lips with just a little stubble on his chin, fanfiction green eyes. He's-

"I still don't know. I mean shifters and demons? They aren't that friendly with each other." He said, with a ghost of a smile on his lips, pulling me out of my dark fantasy.

"When the man got into my car, forcing me to drive to that wear house, he rolled back his sleeve and his skin was peeling off."

"That's a shifter. And with black eyes, that a demon. So it's something new. And I don't like new." Dean said to Sam. Sam looked at him with a you know what to do on his face. "Ask Cas. You know that he doesn't come when I call." Sam told Dean. Who is Cas? Why does he only come when Dean calls him?

Dean gave Sam a playful glare, before staring at the ceiling. "Cas, we need you. Get your feathery ass down here." Dean prayed as I scoff. I'm in the room with two crazy people. They are praying to an angel? We all were quiet until I heard some wings flapping from somewhere nearby. A man around his late 20s, and in a trench coat under a suit appeared literally out of thin air. I jumped and swore.

"You called?" He said in a deep voice. He was good looking, to say the least. But I could still say confidently who was the hottest in the room. His eyes met mine, and I briefly wondered if he could read minds.

"Yeah. We think that there are shifters, possessed by demons." Sam informed him, glancing back at me without meaning to. The man turned to face him stiffly.

"Who is this?" The man said without any emotion. Maybe he couldn't. His eyes flicked my way, a look of bewilderment on his face.

"Mia Reyes. Mia, this is Castiel, he's an angel." Dean introduced us. I raise one eyebrow and he nods. Angels?

"An angel?" I laugh nervously. No way, angels only exist in bad movies and fairy tales.

"Hello, Mia." The 'angel' Cas told me in a monotone-like voice.

"Well, could you check the whole town?" Dean asked him, trying to get Cas to do the job that he, Dean, called him down for.

"Yes." Cas muttered and he was gone with more wings flapping. Was he really an angel? Well, how else would he get around? He hasn't gotten any visible wings. About five seconds later, we heard the now familiar wings flapping and Cas was here again."You're right. These... creatures are here. We need to stop them."

"What are they?" Dean said. Are they really shape shifters? Or demons? They both can't possibly be here. Or anywhere. They aren't even real! My sensible part of my mind screamed. A small voice in the back of my head reminded me of something. Then what had black eyes and lit up orange so you could see it's bones? I decided to ignore that voice.

"Exactly what you said." Castiel replied monotonously. I sighed in unison with Dean.

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