Chapter 22

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"Sam, It doesn't ma-" I started to say, but Sam cut me off.

"It does, Mia. What did he mean?"

"It started when we were in Denver. Cas came to me around 7:30, I think, and talked to me. It was the morning after you asked me about the fire. Anyway, he came and talked to me.

"He told me that it was true. That I had demon blood in me. He also told me that I'd have them... stronger."

"What? Why?" Sam asked me. I sighed and continued.

"Because... 'Yellow Eyes' gave me more of his blood when I was 6 months old, Sam. Cas told me to keep this to myself."

"How much more, Mia?" Sam asked me.

"Sam," I started to cry from the look on his face. He though I was a monster. "It was because I didn't cry and wake up my parents. My mom didn't die on the ceiling of your nursery like yours, because I didn't cry. I just... stared at him."

"How much more blood did he give you, Mia!" Sam yelled at me. More tears fell.

"Over double the amount," I said, Sam moving away from me,"Remember the day where we met the two idiots that nearly killed us? When Cas came? He was there because I was going to tell you. I asked him if Dean would turn against me. That's what Cas meant when he said 'He never would'.

"When we went outside, my first words were 'Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell them.' He was the one to tell me that I couldn't. He said that I had to keep it to myself and in a couple days, I could tell you. After I saw how powerful I was. Then when I passed out, 'Yellow Eyes' came to me in a dream.

"He was in another person then but... He called me his 'best and favorite child'. He asked me if I had any of the special 'gifts' yet. He told me that they were going to happen after I said that I didn't want them. He said and I quote 'And you will be the most powerful child. And I have a plan for you and all the children like you. You and Sam.'"

"What kind of plans did he have?" Sam asked me. I wiped the tears on my face before continuing.

"He wouldn't tell me. Then Cas comes into one of my dreams, when I was sleeping in the car ride here and tells me that Andy will be killed, unless you come. He was the one who told me that it was a hunter. But I think it was 'Yellow Eyes' that killed him. That's all, Sam. I swear."

Sam didn't say anything. His face still had expressions like angry, surprised, maybe a little of belief. Maybe he won't kill me after all.

A doctor came in before Sam answered,"He survived the operating table, with twenty three stitches. He lost a lot of blood but there's a good chance that he'll live. He's in 125 when your ready." He walked out. I look back at Sam and then walked out. He followed me and we got into the room 125. Dean was still sleeping and was in a pair of shrubs pants with a loose fitting white shirt.

A nurse walked in with Deans old clothes and gave them to us. She left afterward. I waited until I couldn't hear her footsteps to talk,"Can I be the one to tell Dean?" I said quietly after about 30 minutes of silence. We were sitting in the hard chairs next to his bed.

"Tell me what? That I look like crap? Sorry, I knew that already." Dean said groggily. I sigh with relieve.

"No, Dean. It's not important right now." I said quietly to him.

"I'll go get us some coffee." Sam said as he got up. He walked off before I said anything.

"Dean, I need to tell you something." I whisper quietly.

"What? That your pregnant?" Dean joked. I laughed and kissed him. The kiss when longer then I meant to, but I just couldn't pull away.

When I did pull away, Dean still had his eyes closed. He opened them quickly as I began to talk,"What I wanted to tell you, Dean. It started when we were in Denver. Cas came to me around 7:30 I think and talked to me. This was before we talked about sleep and...," I smiled and so did Dean,"Anyway, Cas came and talked to me.

"He told me that it was true. That I had demon blood in me. He also told me that I'd have them... stronger," I paused, not for dramatic effects, but because I needed a breath,"Because... he gave me more of his blood when I was 6 months old. And then told me to keep this to myself."

"How much more, Mia?" Dean asked quietly.

"Dean, It was because I didn't cry and wake up my parents. My mom didn't die on the ceiling of Sams nursery like yours, because I didn't cry. I just... stared at him."

"How much more blood did he give you, Mia?" Dean asked quietly again. I think I'd rather have the yelling-in-my-face mad, not this.

"Over double the amount. Remember the day when you saw my eyes go all yellow? When Cas came? He was there because I was going to tell you. I asked him if you would turn against me. That's what Cas meant when he said 'He never would'.

"When we went outside, my first words were 'Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell them.' He was the one to tell me that I couldn't. He said that I had to keep it to myself and in a couple days, I could tell you. After I saw how powerful I was. Then when I passed out, 'Yellow Eyes' came to me in a dream.

"He was possessing someone else then but... He called me his 'best and favorite child'. He asked me if I had any of the special 'gifts' yet. He told me that they were going to happen after I said that I didn't want them. He said and I quote 'And you will be the most powerful child. And I have a plan for you and all the children like you. You and Sam.' He knew."

"What kind of plans did he have?" Dean asked quietly.

"He wouldn't tell me. Then Cas comes into one of my dreams, when I was sleeping in the car ride here and tells me that Andy will be killed, unless you come. He was the one who told me that it was a hunter. But I think it was 'Yellow Eyes' that killed him. That's all, Dean. I swear."

"Ok." Dean said to me. He pulled himself into a sitting position. He groaned a bit but got there.

"Do you think I'm a monster?"

"Mia, I've seen so many monsters. More then Sammy, even. You're not one," He kissed me,"Did you even tell Sammy yet?" He asked after he pulled away.

"Yeah. When we were waiting during your surgery."

He laughed at my choice of words before he said,"Mia, what about after 'Yellow Eyes' cut me open?"

"I... I... Recognized him immediately. When you told him to leave me alone, and he said 'Dean, Dean, Dean. You wouldn't say that if you knew the truth.' Well the truth, is that I had more blood in me then any of the others."

"Why did you beg for him not to tell us?"

"Well, how would you feel if you just learned that I had more demon blood then Sam? You would freak and kill me. When he told me to move you away, I actually couldn't. When he hurt you, I had this... Anger... Power that I've never felt before."

"And you use that to push 'Yellow Eyes'?"

"Yeah, Dean. He was going to hurt you. And then Sam. When he talked to me like I was his girl, it made me even more pissed. Then I got you off of the wall and I ran over to you to see how much blood you lost. I didn't know if you were going to make it."

Dean didn't say anything. As a response, he kissed me. I've never felt this kind of passion before. What Dean and I had, it was more then just...

He kissed me again. I put my hand on his cheek. When we stopped, I looked into his hazel eyes and whispered,"I love you, Dean."

Without a moments hesitation, he said,"I love you, too."

His eyelids were closing and he fell asleep. I put my head down onto the bed and listened to Deans even breathes.

"You have a visiter." A nurse said sweetly. I look back at the person that came in. 'Yellow Eyes'.

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