Chapter 14

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"I have demon blood in me?" I asked in disgust and disbelief. I shook my head until I thought it was going to somehow spin off like a top. I covered my face with my hands and sat down hesitantly on the bed. No way. I would be a monster; I'm not a monster. I don't want to be a monster.

"I think so. Have you done anything unusual lately?" Sam asked me. I bit my quivering lip for it to stop and thought hard.

"Like what?" I inquired, muffled my my hands. I felt cold, wet tears splash down my cheeks and sniffled quietly. I tried to restrain myself, the Winchesters have seen me cry more in the past few days than I have in years.

"I don't know, bending spoons, getting weird visions, you know. Stuff like that. Sammy's little 'gift' is weird visions." Dean said. I look up at them in bewilderment and shake my head.

"Well, maybe it just hasn't come yet. How old are you?" Sam asked gently, looking at his brother for him to comfort me. Dean, on the other hand, looked stressed out and misinterpreted the look. He did absolutely nothing, like usual.

"I'm almost twenty two. One month." I replied. I wipe away the tears, and not one more follow it's path down my cheeks.

"One month exactly?" Sam said, standing up. He stole a glance at me or Dean as he paused nervously, eating up the information slowly.

"Yes... why?" I replied cautiously. Sam ran his fingers through his hair as he passed me. He turned around, then stopped.

"One month until your twenty second birthday. It's when I started to have nightmares. And then they sort of... happened when I was awake." Sam explained slowly, letting it sink in for me.

"Yeah?" I sat down on the bed. I have demon blood running through my veins; something we hunt; something we kill.

Dean walked over to one of the counter tops and then turned to me with a spoon in his hand. "Bend it." He demanded, rather rudely. Really? Spoon bending is the 'gift' I have? I doubt it. I concentrated, though thinking that it would fail, on the spoon and it began to shake. Sam said nothing, but was clearly shocked. Dean sighed and muttered in defeat, a frown upon his lip."No. That was me. I guess this wasn't the time for a joke." Dean said. He tossed the spoon back on to the counter and went to our bed before adding,"I need sleep."

"Yeah." Sam agreed, walking over to his bag, took off his shoes and got his pajama bottoms. He changed in the bathroom and got quickly under the covers of his queen.

I changed in the bathroom into my pajamas after Sam. Dean took off his shoes when I was in the bathroom. I pulled back the covers as Dean pulled off his shirt and tossed it next to his bag. He grabbed his pajama bottoms and changed in the bathroom after me.

Dean slid underneath the covers as Sam began to snore quietly. He rolled over to face me,"Are you okay?"

"Not really." I admit. I kiss him gently and roll over, moving closer to him. He puts his arm around me and slowly fell asleep, only to fall asleep a little bit after him.


After being plagued with nightmares about two strange men attempting to kill me again, I woke up, seeing that Dean and Sam were still asleep. Dean had an arm around me, crushing me to his toned chest, so I had to be very careful when I got up. The clock on the nightstand read "7:30". I picked out a grey tee shirt and jeans and changed into them, knowing I wasn't getting any more sleep. I pulled back my hair into a pretty good pony tail considering that I didn't really care how it looked.

I walked out the door with Dean's room key in my jeans pocket, I walked over to his car. I heard flapping wings and Castiel reappeared next to me.

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