Chapter 10

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After about fifteen minutes, Sam groaned and rolled over, his arm hanging over his eyes to block out the natural light that was flooding the room. "Morning, Sammy." Dean smirked as he got out of bed. His hair stuck up in some places, something I didn't really notice before. I give him a small half - smile.

I run my hands through my hair with a grimace and throw it into a messy bun. I don't really care right now, I'll take a shower when I get home. I nearly fell out of bed and went to the bathroom to grab my clothes. I put back on my jeans and I shoved my black shirt into my coat pocket which was spralled on a chair in the courner.

"We're going to Mia's house for a while, then we're off." Dean tells his little brother.

Sam sighed disappointingly. "She's coming with us?" When I nodded, his facial expression grew to be a painful, but grief stricken expression. He turned to his older brother as a last option, seeing how I wasn't going to back down. "Dean-" Sam said, concern now etched onto his face, but this wasn't his choice.

"Sam, I know you don't like this idea, but this is my choice. I don't really have anyone anymore. And I can fight, you saw that. I can help you." I told Sam and it took everything in me not to yell at him. He took a deep breath and explained his opinions.

"You're right. I don't like this. You still have your family. Dean and I, we only have each other and Bobby. This life took away everything. My mom and dad, my girlfriend, our normal lives. I don't think giving up yours is the best thing for you." Sam ranted.

"You know, my parents died because of the things that you hunt. It nearly killed me, too. I need to protect myself because... what if it comes back? What if another demon learns that I was helping hunters, and it comes to kill me or my siblings? I need to learn how to protect myself." I know he doesn't like the idea but its my choice and he needs to respect that. Or he can suck it up and help me.

"Sam, stop it. You think our lives are crap? She basically lived the same thing. Her parents are dead because of something we hunt. Sam, she helped take out those monstrosities. This is her choice. End of discussion." Dean ended it for us. He walked over to his bag and pulled out a clean set of clothes and went to the bathroom to change. I suppose it was to show that he was done with this conversation like the good big brother that he is.

"I respect your choice, Mia. I just want you to be safe." Sam said that after a few minutes of silence. Because he cares, he won't let me do anything. He sounds like my mom.

"I know you want that, Sam." I said. Dean walked out of the bathroom, ending this conversation and put the other pair of jeans on his duffel bag. Sam changed in the bathroom as Dean went out to the car.

"We're going to an old family friend, Bobby to train you. He's another hunter who is like a father to us, more than our own father was. He raised me and Sam, taught us and gave us jobs..." Dean trailed off, looking at the car, but not looking at it at all.

I was about to ask Dean something when Sam came out with his duffle bag. Sam put his bag in the trunk, where Dean's is, and got in as I did. Dean got behind the wheel and started the car.

The whole ride was silent except for the purr of the engine and when I told Dean the directions. He pulled up in front of my apartment and I stumbled out. Dean shut off the car as I unlocked my door with the keys in my other pocket and went inside. I went to my room and found a book bag. I put in clothes, sneakers, my only pair of heels for when I have to pretend to be a FBI or FED - assuming I have to pretend to be FBI. I threw in other necessities and zipped my bag. If I wanted to read any of my books, I could always read it in a library in another town that we're there for a case. I hesitated, then tossed my favorite book in my bag and rezipped it closed.

I took a quick shower, but it was long enough for me to feel clean again and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and left. I walked out of my apartment, dropped my bag into the trunk, and got into the back seat. "Let's go." I told Dean. He turned his car back on and drove off.

"Where does Bobby live, anyway?" I asked Sam after about thirty minutes.

Sam swivels around to face me. "Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We'll roll into town around nine." He said. South Dakota? At nine? Dean must drive fast. I thought. Sam turned back around as I laid down in the backseat, about to fall asleep. Darkness covered myself, and I fell asleep.


I woke up a couple hours later, at two with Dean smirking at me by the rear view mirror. "It's alive." He said sarcastically to Sam. I see Sam roll his eyes, sigh, then look out the window.

"Oh, shut up." I said sleepily but Dean just laughs. What an asshole. I run sleep from my eyes and stare at the brothers.

Sam was looking out the window as he talked. "Dean, leave her alone. She was tired." Dean muttered something darkly, so Sam looked at him and squinted at him. "Jerk."

"Bitch." Dean says without a moments hesitation. I laugh silently as Dean turns his music back on and I look out the window.

"Carry on, my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more! No more!" A guitar solo ended the song. Dean glanced one last time at the road before grabbing another cassette tape and ejected the Kansas one. He put it on and tossed the Kansas cassette into a box. Another song started to play, one that I didn't recognize. After I heard the beginning of the lyrics, I figured out that it was a Metallica song.

The rest of the ride was filled with Dean's music. And Sam arguing with Dean about his music. That conversation lasted about thirty minutes and I laughed the whole time. I personally, like most of the songs. They remind me of my dad.

Dean pulled into a driveway of a car salvation yard, with about a thousand cars. He pulled up closer to a two story house and shut off his car. I got out when Sam and Dean got out and followed them to the door. Dean knocked loudly and an older man, late 40s to early 50s, answered the door. "Sam. Dean. Come in." He greeted them warmly with a strange accent.

Dean walked inside, then Sam and then me. The man walked to his desk and drank from a glass, presumably whiskey from the color. He walked by over to us when he finally noticed me. "Who is this?" He asked Dean warily.

"Mia Reyes. I'm gonna train her." Dean said, looking Bobby straight in the eyes, back as straight as a board like a soldier. "We've already done all of the tests." He added like an after thought. Bobby nodded, then looked at both boys as if he were checking for wounds nonchalantly so neither would notice. If they did, they didn't give any sort of reaction.

"I'm going to get some sleep." Dean said, clashing his hands together and rubbing as his he was cold. Sam agreed loudly, looking tired still.

"I'm not really tired, I got a few hours sleep on the way here." I replied.

"Well, you can start learning about what hunters kill." Bobby plucked a few books from the shelf, handed them to me and I sat down on a red couch after moving the papers to his desk. Sam and Dean walked upstairs as I opened a book, setting the rest on the cold ground.

I learned about demons in the first book that turned out to be a journal. Ghosts and shape shifters seemed to full the pages of the next journal. I slowly learned more and more about the 'things that go bump in the night'. Around eleven, Bobby left to his room, where he - presumably - fell asleep. I was on the last book when I drifted off to sleep. My last thought was of Dean.

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