Chapter 3

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The first thing that came back was my hearing. I could hear two men talking to each other, one gentle and caring, the other rude and loud. I felt uncomfortable on whatever I was on, as it was digging into my back. I couldn't move, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to. Are those men worse than whatever kidnapped me?

"She could be one of them, Sammy!" One man shouted loudly, hardly caring that I was just to the left of them. It didn't at all sound familiar, yet it felt like deja vu.

"We don't know that! I came in as he just finished tying her up. He didn't have time to!" The other man countered. His voice seemed familiar, as did the name; Sammy.

"When she wakes up, we'll do the normal tests, okay?" The first man compromised, his voice rough. He sighed and I imagined him running a hand though his hair.

The next thing was my vision. I slowly opened my eyes, seeing only great big black spots. I blinked repeatedly until I could was Sam and the other man. The man -rather attractive- had short, spiky light brown hair and candy apple green eyes. He was wearing a dark blue shirt and jeans. By what I could see, we were in a hotel room and I was laying down on one of the uncomfortable beds.

"Hey. You okay?" Sam said kindly as he walked over to me. I nodded and answered, something my mom taught me to do. Alway speak when spoken to, for some form of respect.

"Yeah. How long have I been out?" I got up slowly and walked around, stretching out my sore limbs which felt like rubber bands. My voice sounded rough, scratchy like I hadn't used it in a while.

"About two hours." The other man said, his voice a mix of concern and caution. His eyes were squinted, looking me over - for what, I could only imagine.

"What did you mean when you," I turned to the other man, who sounded uninterested about me,"Said that I could be 'one of them'. One of what?"

Sam turned to the man for a second before looking back at me. "I'm Sam and that's Dean. We're brothers." Sam said, ignoring my question all together. As he said 'Dean', he hitched his thumb behind him, indicating that the man behind him was Dean.

"You never answered my questions." I reminded him. Sam looked curious, and didn't know how to reply. Luckily for him, Dean answered for him.

"Questions?" The man - Dean - asked with a smirk on his face. He looked as if he thought I didn't deserve answers, and looked at Sam.

"What was that thing? What is 'one of them'?" I repeated, my throat growing ever more dry. I felt the nagging feeling in the back of my head that I wasn't going to like the answers. The ever familiar throbbing of a headache was flaring inside my head.

"Okay, well..." Sam started, looking over at his brother, who reluctantly nodded once to show that he was okay with it. "We hunt the supernatural. That thing was a demon. We don't know what he did, but the missing people weren't... people anymore. My brother and I hunt them and kill them, to protect innocent people."

"Right. And I have a pet Sasquatch. And I'm guessing you're not FBI, but you're faking it to hunt... the supernatural?" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I glanced at Sam, then over to Dean. Both had a look of seriousness.

"And his name isn't Sam Grey, either. My real name is Dean Winchester, and that's Sam Winchester. This is all true, no matter how crazy it sounds. Who are you?" Dean said irritatation lacing the rough voice. He looked back at Sam, then back to me. They do that often, I noticed.

"Mia Reyes." I said. Dean's attitude disappeared deep within and he smiled. Does he know me from somewhere? I give him a strange look, but he ignores me, like he use to.

"Nice to meet you, Mia." Dean told me. What made him change? Why is he acting differently then two minutes ago? And what in the hell is going on? Is it like what happened to... dad?

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