Chapter 15

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"What the hell?" Dean said in surprise. I shut my eyes quickly, groaned softly again and felt the headache lift, slowly, until it was gone completely. When I open my eyes, I see Dean watching me closely. There were black spots in my vision still, and I blinked them away.

"Dean, tell me." I said stubbornly. I cross my arms and glare at him to get what I wanted. I raised one eyebrow and, a few moments later, he sighed.

"Your eyes were yellow." He muttered, barely audible. Somehow, however, I heard him and stared at him, my mouth open.

"Yellow? No, they weren't. They couldn't have been." I repeated in denial, sighing deeply. Why can't anything be right in the world? Shaking my head, I opened and closed my mouth, making small noises in disbelief. Dean remained silent, looking at the open road. The sound of wings fluttering became obvious, Castiel appearing from nowhere. Dean pulled over in a hurry, gripping the wheel so hard that his knuckles began loosing color. "Castiel? What are you doing here?" I asked him. Is he here because of my headaches and yellow eyes?

Castiel caught my eye and nodded. Shouldn't I tell Dean or would he turn against me? Castiel shook his head obviously, watching Sam give him a strange look. "He never would." Castiel replied, making Sam and Dean both curious and confused.

"'He never would' what?" Sam asked him. Cas shook his head at Sam, leaving him even more bewildered.

"I need to speak with Mia outside." Cas said, getting out. I got out quickly, my anger rising. I slammed the door shut so loud, I swore I heard Dean wince.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell them." I said as soon as both of the doors were shut. The last thing I need is them asking questions I can't answer.

"You can tell them, but not right now. It's something that you have to keep to yourself for now. In a couple days, after you've seen for yourself how powerful it is." Castiel looked around, noticing a few of the other cars passing us. I didn't say anything, mainly because of I was afraid that if I opened my loud mouth, I'd swear at the angel, before I got back into the car. Castiel left with the flapping of wings without anything more.

"What did he want?" Dean asked as he pulled the car back onto the road. I covered my face with my hands and gave a quick sigh, thinking over the question deeply. I then let my hands fall to my lap.

"He wanted to tell me about you two. That he knows that you wouldn't turn on me, with the demon blood." I lied convincingly, seeing how I've never lied to them before, so they have no reason to doubt me. "Lets go. I can see it from here." I said, quickly changing the subject. I could see Sam squinting at me through the Dear view mirror, but ignored him. As long as he stayed silent, everything would be okay.

"Okay." Dean hesitantly said as he took a right. He pulled into the driveway of an old house about a hundred years or so old. It's light grey paint was chipped and peeling. The one story house indeed looked haunted.

We get out and walked over to Dean's trunk. He pulled in open and opened the false bottom; inside was any gun you could think of it need, a variety of knifes and pretty much anything a hunter would need. He pulled a long rifle and wedged it in between the false bottom and the bottom of the trunk. I flicked the wooden cross necklace that was hanging, making it sway.

Dean pulled out a shotgun and loaded it with rock salt. He handed it to Sam and did the same thing with two other guns. One of the guns, he handed it to me. Dean pulled the gun wedge out and tossed it back in before shutting both the false bottom and trunk.

We walked over to the house with our guns ready. Sam went in first, with Dean behind him. I got the position of trailing the both of them, and not by choice. The walls were holey in some places on the - I think what use to be - cream color on the walls. Dean searched a room to my left as I searched another one next to it, Sam ruffle through his pockets for his EMF detector. I opened the door to the kitchen and saw two males around fifteen with two females about the same age. I immediately put my shotgun down and hid it behind the door. "What are you doing here?" I said with as much authority as I could muster up as Sam and Dean walked in.

"We just wanted to see a ghost." One of the girls answered shakily. The males looked like they were going to pee their pants or run out the door and leave their dates.

"Get the hell outta here." I said loudly, making them jump and run out of the door, obviously taking the second option. We left after we got what information we needed, Sam and Dean satisfied with how I handled civilians messing up our work.

We put our guns back into the false bottom and get in. Sam got into the passengers seat, so I had the back. Dean started the impala and drove to the library. As we walked up the stairs to the entrance, Sam was explaining the things he learned from the house. "Look, the building had a cold spot, with the EMF going off. I didn't see anything, though." Sam said, then walked off slightly. Raising his voice, he spoke to one of the librarians working today, who looked dead to the world and asleep on his feet.  "Could we have the records on the Hell House?" Sam asked him as he was stacking books back onto the shelves. He turned around at the sound of Sam's voice, then smiled and winked at me. I had to control myself not to roll my eyes at him.

"I'm sorry, we don't give out those records to the public." The librarian said. He turned out to be around twenty four, brown eyes, blond hair. Pretty good looking, except for the fact that he looked over confident.

Dean looks at me with a You ask him! kind of look. I sigh and ask the librarian to follow me. "Okay, so, you either give us those records, or we'll turn you in for not helping us. The Feds. I'll arrest you and have you spend a night in a cold, hard cell for twenty four hours with the gang members that we pick off of the street." I said this slowly, enunciating thoroughly. He looked absolutely terrified after thinking this through. I didn't think that that would work, but it did. I walk back over to the brothers, stunned but looked calm as the librarian goes to get the records.

"What did you do to him? He's shaking!" Dean laughed, letting me smirk and shrug. I put on a confident façade. He really deserved it; maybe now he won't hit on any woman that walks through the door. The librarian gave us everything before disappearing. Apparently 'everything', was two boxes.

"I got what we needed, right? Come on." I sat down at a table where the boxes were to dig through them. Sam sat down next to me, opening up one of the boxes. Dean sat down acrossed from me, pulling the other closer to himself. I pulled out some from Sam's box and started to read.

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