Chapter 1

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Dawn fell on the two camps. The rival, enemy tribes who inhabited said camps. It was early winter season where the bitter cold froze the air around them leaving an eerie chill that shook them all to the core. There was no person who wasn't affected by the temperatures like every year for exactly eighteen years. Both tribes had struggled through the last eighteen years through the winter season and sacrificed much to survive the harsh winter. 

The two enemy tribes despised one another and had been at war for eighteen years, the anniversary of the declaration of revolution and war being today. The only thing they could agree upon was their hatred for one another. Only the oldest few, including the two chiefs, knew the origin of the conflict. Every child born since that day had been raised and brought up to hate the other tribe. They did not know why or how but just did as they were told because after all, why would their gracious leader's lie to them? Obviously, the other side was evil, oppressive and animalistic. Why wouldn't they believe?

This war had only existed for eighteen years and either side had been completely brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing whatever they were told by their chief and to ignore anything else that was said. One side told more truth than the other, a lot more truth, while the other completely lied to their people because the chief knew that if the people found out the truth then everything that they had worked so hard to achieve will be gone forever. They can't know and they never will. 

The unique yet strange thing about this turf war was the people who fought in it. The sides were completely opposite. Men vs Women. Thet two used to live together as one tribe, one civilisation until a revolution by the women took place and they ran away, killing many men in the process, and created their own tribe to fight against the men. It had been a bloody and brutal day and many died. Ever since the two had been at war out of hatred, only the men and women who were alive during the old day knowing that the two sexes needed each other to survive. But the two did survive. Through shady and unspeakable ways of abuse and cruelty in the name of survival and the creation of more human beings. 

Of course, it hadn't always been this way. There had been a time where there was one civilisation that flourished and blossomed with equal representation of both sexes in the society with no hatred or bloodshed. There was harmony and peace and they all lived as one. As a whole. There was love and families. There was happiness. Until people who were unhappy began to crave power and craved to ruin the perfection of everyone else's lives due to their own unhappiness and sorrow. It was strange how one day changed it all. Unravelled it all. Everything.

Each side had a chief. And each chief had an heir. An heir to the tribe. On the male side, there was Henry Allen. His family had been in charge of the tribe for generations and always had been. He often blamed himself for the female uprising and not seeing and putting a stop to it sooner. he feels that he could have stopped all the bloodshed and division before it ever happened. On the most part, he was a loyal, courageous and compassionate leader who did not wish to fight with the women and wanted things to go back to the happiness they had before. The one reason he fought them was something that he had hidden from everyone but his closest friends and advisors. Hidden especially from his only son, Barry. It would only hurt him and one day he would tell him. When he was ready to face the truth. He was still only a boy rather than a man and needed wasn't ready to know the truth of the conflict and take his place as chief.

The female tribe's chief was Carla Snow. The woman that stirred all the conflict eighteen years ago and the female uprising and rebellion. She had inspired the revolt that led to all this division and was a cunning and sneaky leader. Every woman who had ever even raised a finger or disagreed with her would end up going missing and never seen again. She was a ruthless woman who had more hatred in her heart than any other member of this fight. Her only desire was to rid the valley of all men. In her mind, they were disgusting animals who deserved to be put down permanently. She made no secret of her opinion and any women who she deemed as a "man sympathiser" would be removed and deemed just as bad as mankind. She had a daughter. Two twin daughters as her heirs.

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