Chapter 9

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Days had passed and Barry and Caitlin still hadn't seen each other since their fight and breakup. The both of them had gone to the barn every day to see if the other was there too. To find out whether they regretted their breakup as much as they did. But they seemed to miss each other every time. 

They were missing and aching for each other so much and weren't sure whether they would be able to go on without one another. Every day some more of their remaining hope fell apart as they slowly realised that they were truly over. But they couldn't believe it.

They couldn't let go now. They loved each other, at least Barry loved Caitlin and Caitlin loved Barry and they just didn't know whether the other still or ever loved them back. They couldn't give up when they had agreed to be together forever. They couldn't give up and let go of that future so easily. They had to fight for it. Fight for each other. After all, nothing good comes easy.

They both regretted everything they said during their argument and breakup. Perhaps, there was more to all of this madness and war than what their parents' had told them. But now they would never find out the truth because they were too blind to see that there might be more to know. They didn't even consider their actions before acting. Didn't consider their words before speaking them. And they had allowed themselves to make the biggest mistake of their lives.

Neither of them had come out of their rooms for days other than to go to the barn in secret then return empty handed. They were both completely and utterly heartbroken. They didn't know what or who to believe anymore. If the opposite sex was really this and then how did they fall so madly in love?

Despite both saying that they never really had any feelings for each other they both knew that fact was completely false. They did love each other and that would never change. Whether they were broken up or not. Nothing would ever change how they felt about one another even if they were a million miles apart or simply broken up. Even if the whole world ended and exploded, their love would still exist. It could be dampened or tainted or destroyed. It couldn't be taken away, not even by each other.

They didn't want this to be the end. But they had to face the fact that they never wanted it to end but they knew that it would some way or other. How could their relationship survive when they couldn't be together in public or tell the world about their secret love? It was a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off and blow up in their faces. And now it's blown up. But they wanted to go back and fix it. They wanted the time bomb back. And they would never give up, not until they were back in each other's arms once again.

Caitlin found herself wandering the forest going to all of the places where she and Barry had gone together while they were a couple. It was a trip down memory lane that she hoped might give her some closure and she might be able to move on from him and her feelings for him. But deep down she knew that that would never happen. 

She would always love him, no matter what her mother said or anything else she was told. She would still love him. Now, tomorrow and forever. Until death and even after that.

More than anything in her whole life, she wanted him back. She wanted her Barry back with her again. She missed him. His kisses, his cuddles, his hugs, his touch. The sound of his voice, his laugh. All thing she missed like crazy. It killed her to know that she would never have any of those things ever again. She let him go. And that would crush her and haunt her for the of her life on this Earth. 

She lost the love of her life to one stupid fight. One stupid fight that changed everything. She had lost everything. Everything that she had ever wanted and everything that she dreamt of with her beloved. But he was no longer her beloved. Now he was just another man. But the man that she loved and the man she let go.

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