Chapter 15

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The couple were seized and escorted to the female camp and taken somewhere where Caitlin had never been before. The dungeons. The dungeons she didn't even know existed until a few days ago. They were hidden so well from view that you couldn't even tell they were there at all at first glance but once she saw it, she wondered why she hadn't noticed before. Simply it was hidden in plain sight.

They were thrown in a cell in the dark prison. They could only just see each other as they snuggled into the corner of their cage together to keep warm. It was freezing down there.

"You will be put on trial in a couple hours by the chief. She and the council will decide your punishment for your crimes," their escort announced before flouncing off with a disgusted look.

"B-Barry... are we going to die?" Caitlin whimpered as she snuggled further into his side and neck, sobbing as it all sunk in.

"I don't know, Caity, I don't know. But I'm here and I've got you," he replied softly, holding her in his arms and rocking her back and forth to comfort her. Although he too was terrified of what was going to happen to them, to him, to her, he had to be strong for her. 

Perhaps she could get out of this cell and live but he knew that he wouldn't. He knew that he was going to die. Carla would certainly kill him not just for being with Caitlin but also for strategic advantage in the war. Without an heir, his father would be weaker as well as the fact that he was in charge of their army. He knew he was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it. But if he was going to die he wanted to make sure that the woman he loved and the love of his life was safe and she would survive.

If she complied and did what her mother says she may just survive all of this and can live a long happy life. He had to make sure that happens. He would do anything to keep her safe and away from harm's way. That's just how much he loved her.

But knowing Caitlin the way he knew Caitlin, his wife, he knew that she would be stubborn and would fight to save him. But there is no way in hell that he could possibly survive this, no way. All she would accomplish in trying to save him would be signing her own death warrant. But she wouldn't roll over easily, she would need a hell of a lot of convincing to let him die. In fact, he knew that it would be damn near impossible. Simply because if the roles were reversed and he was in her shoes, he would fight with every fibre in his body to keep her safe. Just like he was doing right now.

It was for her own good. Whether she liked it or not she would have to live without him no matter how hard that would be for her. He knew that he was breaking his promise that he had pledged to her only ten minutes or so ago but he had no choice. This was the only way he could keep her safe. And keeping her safe was the most important thing in teh world to him. He valued that more than his own life. If he was going to die then he wanted to die knowing that she was safe. He could die happy, remembering all the time they had shared together. 

He could die knowing that the love of his life was the most amazing person he had ever met and teh time he had spent with her was the best time he had ever spent with anyone. The best thing he had ever spent at all. He didn't want to leave her, he didn't want to leave her alone. She was his wife after all. But he had no choice in this, there was nothing he could do to stop this. His fate was sealed but maybe hers wasn't just yet.

'Till death do us part.

He didn't want to go. He had so much left he wanted to do in this. So much he wanted to do with Caitlin. Settle down somewhere and maybe have a few children... just be with her. That's all that he has ever wanted. Is it so much to ask to want that with her?

"Barry? Barry Allen?" an unfamiliar voice called out curiously.

"Yes, that's me... who is this?" he replied confused.

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