Chapter 5

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"What is love?" Caitlin asked inquisitively, pulling away from their kiss with a confused yet curious expression on her face. She manoeuvred herself slightly so she was sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck whilst looking at him with big curious eyes awaiting his reply.

"You don't know what love is?" he questioned with raised eyebrows. She shook her head with a frown and waited for him to explain what this thing called 'love' was. She'd never heard of it before and wanted to know what it meant. If he was in love with her maybe she was in love with him too. "Love... well, there are lots of different kinds of love. Family love, parental love, friendship love but being in love is different. It's romantic love. Love is more abstract. You can't see it or hear it or touch it but you can feel it and feel it there. It's hard to describe. It's like you really, really like someone. You have a connection, a deep one. You want to be with this person all the time and you think they're amazing and beautiful inside and out. You feel like you could tell this person anything and they would listen. You want to spend forever with this special someone and the rest of your life with them, no matter what. You would do anything to be with this person and always have their back and be at their side. You're their best friend, their companion, their partner and their lover. And you wouldn't ever let anyone bring you apart," he tried to explain.

He knew that he felt all of this for her. He knew that he hadn't known her long but he knew that he felt it. He had fallen fast and hard for her, everything she had done for him. Saved his life and took care of him. Risked her own life. Plus, she was the first girl he had properly seen and seeing her body drove him absolutely crazy. Insane even. She had done something to him and now she was all he ever thought about in his thoughts, daydreams and dreams at night. She'd completely taken over his heart and mind and he was prepared to every little part of himself for her and give it all to her. 

There wasn't anything that he would not do for her. Anything that she wants she can have, she only has to call his name and he would be there in a flash to do it. She only had to ask. She held his heart in her hands and it was her choice what she wanted to do with it. It felt like every day, every moment and every second of his whole life had led up to this moment where she, the girl that he never thought that he would ever want and yearn for so badly, tightly wrapped up in his arms waiting to find out whether she felt the same way. Like his whole life has led up to loving her. It just felt like they were meant to be, even if they were well and truly star-crossed.

"It's... it's hard to describe, I guess... but I... I think I'm in love with you, Caitlin," he finished, pulling her closer than before by the waist and let her snuggled her face into his neck. Knowing she needed a little time to think about all of this, he left on arm around her waist while sliding the other hand up and down her back after letting it trail under her shirt to stroke her soft skin. It was so soft and he loved to feel it. 

Whereas, Caitlin was feeling the shivers and chills. His touch was simply intoxicating and she never wanted to move from his arms and she never wanted him to stop. She wanted this, she wanted it so badly even though it was so wrong and bad of her. But a part of her liked this. She liked the secrecy and the scandal and the absurdity of it all. It made it seem real, it made her feel good. He made her feel good, better than anyone else ever had. He made her feel wanted and needed and like she actually belonged somewhere.

She gravitated to him unlike anyone else, she couldn't stay away from him. She couldn't stop this and now, despite everything... she didn't want to. Despite the fact that she'd been fighting this for so long now, she didn't want to fight it any longer. She wanted to be with him, as crazy and wrong and immature and stupid it was. She couldn't stop how she felt and she knew that she wouldn't be able to let him go. She was already way too far gone.

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