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Everyone in the court room looked towards the entrance and saw the whole of the male tribe here to save and rescue Barry from Carla and the female tribe. They had searched and searched and soon someone had suggested that the females had done something to him so they gathered all their forces and stormed over here to find him. And here he was about to be executed with someone else.

A young woman. And the two were clutching at each other for dear life. Why? What was going on? How did he even get here in the first place?

"Oh look who the cat dragged in, Henry Allen, finally come off your throne to confront me in person. Good, you get to watch your son die in front of your very eyes," Carla cackled with her iconic evil smirk.

"Please, just let him go. He's all I have left. You already took my Nora from me, don't take my son too," Henry pleaded with the maniacal matriarch. 

"She's still alive, dad! They have her locked up in their dungeon! I saw her myself!" Barry called out to his father which earned him a slap across the face from Carla.

For the few moments, she was distracted Caitlin took the opportunity and grabbed her mother by her ankles and pulled her to the ground. She grabbed Barry's hand and they pulled themselves from the ground and ran as fast as they possibly could to the entrance to the building where his father was standing. As they came closer, Henry recognised the young woman as Carla's oldest daughter, Caitlin. It left him wondering why she was about to be executed and why she was holding her son's hand.

"What is going on, son?" Henry asked as they approached him.

"No time to explain now. But Cait and I... we... we're in love and they found out and captured us and I saw her. She's alive in their dungeon and I know where to find her. We can rescue her," Barry replied quickly.

"Why are you all just standing there!? Attack them!" Carla commanded and all the women ran from their stands and seats to attack the men at their door.

"Just hold them off for as long as you can and I will go get her, just take care of Cait for me, okay," Barry said before beginning to run in the direction of the dungeons.

"Barry! Wait!" Caitlin screamed and ran after him.

"Cait! You have to stay here where you're safe!" he shouted over the all the loud noise in the room after turning to face her when she grabbed his arm to stop him and cupping her cheek with his hand.

"No! I'm going with you! I'm not leaving you alone!" she shook her head defiantly. It was clear that she was standing her ground and wasn't going to change her mind. She had always been incredibly stubborn. It was something that he loved dearly about her. 

He sighed and rolled his eyes before grabbing her face and pulling her lips to his to initiate a passionate kiss. When they pulled away seconds later, they grabbed each other's hands and ran through the battle that was taking place in the direction of the dungeons.

As they opened the door and jumped inside, they slammed it shut again and stopped to catch their breaths from all the running.

"Right. You find the keys and I'll find the cell. Do you know whether the cells have numbers on them that coordinate to the keys or something?" Barry asked.

"No. I didn't even know this existed until now but we'll figure it out. I know we will," Caitlin replied, squeezing his hand to relax and assure him that everything will be alright. They would get through this together.

They both ran in separate directions, Barry calling his mother's name over and over to locate her cell while Caitlin searched for some kind of key rack or something.

Girls Vs Boys- Snowbarry AUWhere stories live. Discover now