Chapter 10

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A few hours had passed since the couple had reunited and gotten back together again. They had yet to talk about what happened and their issues and problems but they knew that they had to talk about it in order to stop it from happening ever again and those issues breaking them up. 

They were cuddling outside under the shade of a tree, sitting at the stump and leaning against the tree itself. It was a nice day outside and the sun was shining and also quite warm too so they felt it was a waste of good weather to sit inside all day. Besides, it's not like anyone would find them here. 

"Look, Barry, we need to talk about that fight. You know, so we stop it from happening ever again. I don't want to fight like that ever with you and I think that if we want to stop it then we need to talk about our issues and differences... am I making any sense?" Caitlin piped up softly, looking up at him with wide eyes.

"I see what you mean and you are making sense. It probably would be good for us to try and work through our problems, otherwise, it's not really solved and we will end up having the same argument all over again. I also know that we've been told... different things by our parents and we should probably talk about that. If we are serious about this... about our relationship, which we are, then we should try to... be mature about it and work through our problems," Barry replied with a small smile.

There was an awkward silence as neither of them knew how to start or what to start with. Thye knew they needed to talk but weren't really sure what they were doing. They were sort of stumbling through this relationship and trying their very best to stay together no matter else and above all else despite what they had been told. They loved each other and that was all that mattered to them. But what their parents had told had still left a mark on their current opinion.

But considering, they both had heard different stories that both seemed to be either flawed or just missing something, they weren't sure who to trust or what was, in fact, the truth or the whole truth. It felt like there was more to this whole feud that both of them had been told and they were both determined to know the truth. 

But what if the truth was worse? What if the truth would bring them even further apart? They didn't know but they had to find out because what if the truth could save them? What if the truth could bring the two tribes together? What if the truth was revealed and their relationship would be accepted by the two societies?

They simply had to know and they wouldn't stop themselves from finding out. They just didn't know how to find out. But right now they had more important things to do.

"I... Look, I know we both have different stories about the origin of the war and all this conflict but I don't we should let those stories interfere with us. No matter what the truth is or is not. Both sides have done really horrible things in this war... I have seen it for myself and I know you have to but... but we're not them and we're not our parents. We don't represent our whole factions. We can be different and we can be together. I love you, Cait, and I know you love me too so we can be different no matter what. It's been eighteen years since that day but we're not them. We're ourselves. Let that define us not the past," Barry started, squeezing her hand.

"I agree, we can't let the past of the people of the same sex as us, no matter what they have done or side they are on, define us. The past is in the past and we can't let that ruin what we have. I love you too, Barry, and whatever happens, that will always be objectively true. I want to be with you no matter what anyone else says or does or has said or done in the past. We both have done things that we regret but that doesn't matter. What matters is now. We control our own fate and destiny, maybe we aren't doomed. We can change our own fate, I know we can," she replied with a smile.

They both leaned in and let their lips touch softly for a few moments before pulling away smiling at each other for a few moments.

"And honestly I find it hard to believe that your kind enslaved us. You're so sweet and cute and kind and caring and funny. I don't see how you could hurt anyone that way. And... and you love me, don't you? I honestly don't know why I ever believed it at all. You would never hurt me, I know that and I have always known that since we first met. I just... I just got blinded by what my mother said and didn't fully realise that it just... it just didn't sound right. It just didn't add up or make sense to me. And now I realise... that maybe we don't have the full picture here," she continued after they pulled away.

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