Chapter 14

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The next morning dawned quickly on the valley along with the cool breeze that swept through the trees. But not Caitlin. She was fast asleep, dreaming. 

Dreaming of her beloved. Dreaming of the life they could be living together if things were different. That life was the life that she wished for more than anything. To be with the one she loves forever.

Her dream focussed on the two of them in the woods together, it was raining and they were kissing. Feeling the raindrops on her skin and his soft lips on hers were like heaven. Being able to hold each other so lovingly and delicately as they passionately kissed each other.

"Wake up, Caitlin! Wake up!" a thunderous yet familiar voice called out.

She shot up in bed and found herself faced with her twin sister, Senna. Her hand had rushed to her heart from the shock as she let out a breath that she was holding.

"There's been an attack, we need to get down there. Get dressed and get your medical supplies, we are going to need it. You can finally put all that extra medical training to use," Senna announced in a rush. Caitlin nodded and watched as her sister ran off to get down to the battlefield as soon as she possibly could.

As soon as she had gathered her bearings, she pulled herself out of bed and grabbed some more practical clothes from her makeshift wardrobe. Despite the fact that there was an attack, she was in no rush to get down there. She had lost the will to save and help her "sisters" because of the lies that they had all been told. Everything they fought for was a lie. She was saving the ones that were in the wrong and not the ones in the right. And that did not sit well with her at all.

Then it hit her. Barry. He's out there, her beloved is out there fighting again. What if he gets hurt again? She couldn't save him because that would expose their secret love and relationship. But she also couldn't stand there and do nothing, she can't let him die. She loves him far too much to let him die. He's her soulmate and if he died then she would follow him soon after, she couldn't it without him in this world. She needed him and simply would not let anything happen to him.

She began to dress faster and as soon as she had finished sprinted towards her supplies and ran as fast as humanly possible down to the battlefield. She had to get there fast, she had to find out was the hell was going on right now. She needed to protect her sister, she needed to find Barry. She needed to make sure that he didn't get hurt or worse... he only just recovered from his last injury and if anything bad happened to him then... then... she didn't want to even think about that. But what could she possibly do to stop that?

The whole valley was full of men and women fighting one another. She couldn't see him or her sister. She scanned from the top of the hill looking for them but couldn't spot them in all of the chaos and havoc of it all. She had been in many battles but none had ever been as big as this. Something had to have happened. Something big had to have happened for a battle this big. Never in her whole life had she seen one so big.

Then she saw her. Her sister. Senna.

It was quite far in the distance but she could just about make out her tending to the wounds of another woman. As she was about to run down to her, Caitlin saw Barry about a hundred metres away from Senna. Which one to go to?

She made a split decision and ran towards her sister. She ran and ran and ran. She could see her now so clearly, she made only about twenty-five metres away. 

"Senna!" she shouted to get her attention. She saw her snap her head around and smile at her sister. Suddenly a scream filled the air. Senna's scream.

Red saturated her shirt as the throwing knife that impaled her. She fell to the ground.

Screaming, Caitlin ran forward and sprinted the final twenty-five metres or so to her sister's body. She fell to her knees and cried over her body as tears escaped her eyes and fell onto the body. 

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