Chapter 6

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A few days passed and the now couple had arranged to meet for the first time in secret this afternoon. They were to meet at the barn at one O'clock and if one of them hadn't arrived by quarter past one then it meant that they couldn't get out of their camp.

They had to be careful otherwise they would surely get caught and they simply couldn't let that happen. 

The two of them spent their whole morning getting ready for their first date of sorts. They both wanted to look their bests for each other so spent the whole time preparing themselves. Oddly they were both quite nervous yet excited to see each other once again. The couple had decided not to see each other for a few days as they had to keep up appearances. Barry had only just returned to the male tribe after being gone for about a week. The other men were already suspicious of where he had been the whole time so if he sneaked off it would look even worse. They couldn't risk it so laid off of seeing each other for a little while.

Caitlin too had been questioned on where she had been all this time when she was sneaking off at hours at a time in the morning then returning then leaving again in the afternoon and not returning until the late evening. There was only so many times and circumstances when she could say she was foraging and searching for plants and herbs for medicine. Despite being careful and replacing every plant she "stole" and used to help Barry, the apothecary was still suspicious about her plant stashes going missing then being replaced so quickly afterwards. She had no proof but she knew that it was Caitlin. 

She had no idea what the young woman was up to but she couldn't exactly go accusing the chief's eldest daughter of stealing without proof. She would almost certainly "go missing" like all the other women who even dared to stand against Carla Snow's rule and family. Out of every crime that you could possibly commit, betraying Carla Snow was by far the worst of them all. Whether it was saying anything against her or her family, helping a man with anything or even having an opinion that Carla disagreed with. It was the worst thing a woman in this tribe could possibly ever do. Once you lose Carla's trust; you never get it back.

She was an unforgiving and ruthless woman which was why the couple were so careful and worried. Perhaps if Barry's father found out about them he wouldn't mind as much but if Carla found out. She would kill him. Maybe even her too. And obviously, they couldn't let that happen. Caitlin knew that even if she spared her that her mother would never forgive her. But she would be sure to lose her Barry. And she was not willing to lose him. Anything but him. Literally anything. She just couldn't lose him now.

As soon as she saw that the time was ten to one, she quietly snuck out of the camp and into the thick forest following the path she knew so well to where she would find her beloved. It was a short ten-minute walk but she was very cautious and careful. She had to be sure that she wasn't being followed before she found him. If they were even seen anywhere near each other then they would be completely doomed. 

The words made her heart ache. 

Deep down she knew that they were doomed. They were completely and truly star-crossed. The odds of this working out were low, they both knew it. They would do anything for it to work out, anything, but that didn't guarantee anything. 

She turned the final corner and entered the abandoned barn. There he was, Barry Allen, standing and waiting for her. He was holding in his hand some flowers. She smiled and kissed him as a greeting which he quickly replied to, smiling into the kiss too.

"I got you these. It's nothing much but I thought that they were really pretty as I was walking here and I... I got reminded of you... and you look beautiful, Cait," he stated, blushing a deep crimson red as he gestured to the flowers in his hand after seeing her eye them.

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