Chapter 4

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A few awkward days passed and the pair couldn't stop thinking about what almost happened between them and what certainly would have happened if not for the pain of the stab wound. But now his wound was starting to heal and they would surely part and never see each other again. Neither wanted that to be the case and so they found themselves making excuses and being together the majority of the day.

It was still incredibly awkward since their almost kiss but they wanted to be near each other. Barry was sure that he was and possibly already had fallen for her and little did Caitlin know that she had fallen for him too. 

She still couldn't define her feelings as she had no knowledge of attraction or love. No knowledge of the truth of the old days like he had. She had no idea what love was and had no idea that she was beginning to feel that way for Barry. 

Whether they could define it or not they were still fighting it at every turn. They couldn't feel this way, they just can't. They shouldn't. It would be completely forbidden. And wrong. They were the heirs to their tribes and couldn't feel this way about anyone of the opposite sex. They had responsibilities and they couldn't let their tribes down. But a part of them knew that the other was more important than their tribe. More important than anything or anyone. And that was an incredibly scary thought.

Caitlin arrived at the barn with more water and food and medicine and other supplies for him. She entered the barn and sat on the chair where she always sat beside his bed. He was waiting for her, awake today. 

"How... how are you feeling today?" she asked nervously as she handed him the food and water, shifting in her chair awkwardly while trying not to stare at his body.

"Good, I'm feeling a lot better today..." he replied, trailing off. He too was attempting not to stare but like every day she looked amazing. Her curves were particularly noticeable and he had to force himself not to kiss her and take her in his arms right there and then. 

There was an awkward silence as the two of them gave in and began staring deeply at one another, eyes dragging over every single part of their bodies admiring the view. They couldn't help but both wonder what was hiding underneath all of the clothes. It was an image that they had both thought of often and pictured when they were alone. They thought of each other every waking moment and they often even appeared in their dreams at night. It was an image that secretly they both wanted to see but of course did not act on.

As much as they fought this and pushed their feelings away, they couldn't stop them. They couldn't stop each other from appearing in each other's dreams and deepest fantasies. They both dreamt and desired to hold each other and their lips crashed together passionately with no space between them. They both dreamt and desired to explore their desires and each other with no restraint, to touch each other and feel each other.

It was dark and promiscuous and scandalous but they wanted it. 

They were like two opposite magnets. Drawn to each other and yearned to be together but were being forced apart. It hurt, it hurt like hell but they had to accept that nothing will ever come of these desires and lustful and loved-filled wishes. Their want for each other couldn't be anything more. Want. And that was all it would ever be, could ever be.

But the problem was staying away from each other wasn't easy. It was like torture being away from each other. But there was no other option. But suppressing their obvious feelings for one another wasn't exactly easy either. But it had to stay that way. They couldn't be. 

To busy herself and stop herself from staring too, Caitlin began to change his bandages and saw that the wound was pretty much healed. To test whether he was still experiencing pain or not, she placed her right hand over the wound sending shivers all through his body. He had to hold his breath at her touch, it was simply intoxicating. 

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