Chapter 12

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It took a little while for it all to sink in but soon enough the revelations of the truth of the origin of the conflict had all been taken in. The two of them were brought of their lethargy at virtually the same time like they were completely in sync with each other.

Barry stood up and led Caitlin to the middle of the room and then stopped. After a moment of watching her confused expression, he took both of her hands in his and got down on one knee.

"Cait, I don't have flowers or candles or a ring or anything else romantic like that for this but... but I love you more than anything in this world and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Cait, will you marry me?" he asked softly, kissing her hands he was holding.

"Yes, I will marry you, Barry. I love you too," she accepted. He got up and kissed her softly for a few moments.

"You said you have done ceremonies like these before. Could you maybe marry us like the other people you've married?" Barry requested to the man.

"Of course. Just stand opposite each other and hold holds and I will conduct the ceremony," he replied and stood in front of them. "Do you Barry Henry Allen take Caitlin Elizabeth Snow to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do,"

"And do you Caitlin Elizabeth Snow take Barry Henry Allen to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do,"

"Now we need rings to bind you together so as a gift I shall give you my wife and I's rings. You need them more than I do," the man spoke taking the rings and placing one in each of the couple's hands. "As you slide the rings on each other's fingers please recite some vows,"

"Cait, I promise to love, care and protect you for as long as I live no matter what. I promise to be there for you through everything that comes our way forever. I love you," Barry vowed as he slid the ring on her finger.

"Barry, I too promise to love, care and protect you forever. I promise that I will stand by you and these vows forever and whatever happens, I will stay with you right by your side," Caitlin vowed as she slid the ring onto his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,"

The couple leaned in and shared their first kiss as husband and wife. A new chapter was beginning for them and they felt that they had a bright future ahead. It was just teh beginning of their life together...

Soon enough they returned to the barn where they stood nervously as they wondered whether they were going to make love like they had been told about by the man earlier that day. 

"Barry... are we going to do this? We're married now and there is nothing stopping us... I want this. I want you," Caitlin whispered, her arms wrapped around his neck and his around her waist with their bodies pressed together along with their foreheads.

"If you want to. I do want to do this and find out about... making love and if you want to then... then we can right now," Barry replied softly. She nodded and bit her lower lip. He was about to pick her up and carry her to the bed but she stopped him. 

"Not yet. I want to see you first," she whispered and crashed their lips together.

Slowly, they began removing clothing taking their time to take in the sight every time something was removed. The night sky draped around the world to give them the privacy they wanted. This was the first time they had seen each other. Properly seen each other. No clothes. Just them. The first time they had properly seen anyone of the opposite sex.

They took their time wanting to savour every single moment of this not letting their eyes wander from one another once. They often found their eyes meeting each other and seeing how desire darkened they were as they explored each other's bodies leisurely letting their hands roam and their lips embrace passionately.

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