Chapter 3

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"Hey..." she replied softly. "I... I, er, put actual bandages on while you were asleep and brought some better pain medication and some food and water for you. You need lots of rest okay. I have a feeling that your wound might get infected so you'll need it," 

"Oh... okay," he replied hoarsely from sleep, not having any eye contact shared between them. He had never really properly seen a girl before. He had fought them but not properly seen one. She wasn't what he expected. Why she had decided to help him was completely beyond him. They were mortal enemies after all. It was strange that she had helped him. He would have expected her just to leave him to die. 

He wasn't sure why or how but he could feel that she was looking at him strangely. Perhaps she wasn't sure why she helped him either. Or she was regretting her decision. Knowing Carla Snow the way his father had told him, she wouldn't tolerate any woman helping a man. He was feeling pretty defensive but also knew that he was too weak to run or even walk. If she attacked him then he would be completely defenceless. He just had to hope that she wouldn't.

He couldn't believe what he was thinking. He was hoping that his sworn enemy wouldn't try to kill him. It was stupid but he had no choice.

"What's... what's your name?" she asked, stuttering and stammering a little as she asked. She didn't really want to ask but at the same time, she did. It was all very confusing. She wanted to know more about him but at the same time didn't. It would only make things harder for her when she turned him into her mother.

Wait, what? Harder? She doesn't and never will have any emotional attachment to him. They were mortal enemies for crying out loud! She would heal him then turn him in, nothing more. She didn't need to find out anything about him or need to know who he is. But why did she want to? Why did she want to know everything about him? 

She had a brief answer. She was curious. This was her first encounter with a member of the opposite sex and she wanted to know about them. She had always been an incredibly curious person and now she couldn't help but want to... study the man in front of her and maybe even find out why her mother hated his kind so much and perhaps even the origin of this conflict. She couldn't help it, it was simply her nature.

"Barry... Barry Allen," he replied quietly. Allen. She recognised the name. Alarm bells rang in her head as she realised how stupid of a decision she has made. What she has done. The male chief, Henry Allen. This was his son, Barry Allen, Henry's heir and in charge of his army. If she had let him die then her tribe would have a massive advantage. But at the same time, if she went about her plan to take him to her mother. She would be a hero.

But if she tried to take him there, he would kill her for sure. Perhaps, she could attempt to gain his trust but she knew that would never happen. She had heard a lot about him. He was smart and would never be fooled by that. Not to mention that she was a girl and he was a boy. They never trusted each other and they wouldn't start now. The only way she could possibly survive this would be for her to treat him then let him go. She had no other choice.

"I... I'm Caitlin... Caitlin Snow..." she mumbled underneath her breath, hoping that he wouldn't hear her last name. If he did then... then something bad was sure to happen. No matter how weak he was, he was still a lot stronger than she was. She couldn't not tell him her name, not after she had asked for his. She had backed herself into a corner and her only way out was to hope that he didn't hear her last name.

But he did. Barry heard the Snow in her name. He swallowed hard at the name of it. His saviour was the daughter of Carla Snow. She was her heir. He couldn't quite believe it or get his head around it. How could someone, a girl, who was caring and kind enough to save him, a man, from death, was the daughter of the most evil and wicked woman? How was it possible? But somehow he didn't hate her. He couldn't.

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