Chapter 13

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Caitlin returned to the female tribe with a fluttering yet heavy heart. Never in her life had she felt more wrong. More invalid. Whilst with Barry she could push it away, feel valid and right. But alone and returning to her... home did anything but that.

Everything that she had ever known, her mother, was a lie. A complete lie. Her whole life, until she had met Barry, had been wasted and immoral.  Her mother was... is a monster. Everything she believes and stands for is awful and wrong.

Everything she has ever taught her daughters about this world and the opposite sex is a lie. But not just her and Senna. All of the women in the tribe had been brainwashed into believing this... this hateful ideology that men are the enemy which just is objectively incorrect. She had seen it with her own eyes.

Sneaking back into camp she quickly rushed back to her home and up to her room and hoped that no one would notice her ominous sneaking.

Home. What a strange word? She used to consider this tribe, this camp, this house her home but what does the word really mean? She'd been told by the oldest matriarchs of the tribe that home meant a safe haven, a safe place, the place you run to when you're alone or scared. But this camp was never that to her...

Her eyes darted towards the gold band on her finger. A smile spread across her face as she admired it.  Not the object itself but the connotations that it brought to her mind. Her husband, her Barry. When she really thought it through, he was her safe haven, her safe place, who she ran to whenever she was alone or scared and so much more. Her paradise, her sanity, her everything.

She realised something. He was her home. He was where she belonged.

She couldn't stop thinking about the day that had just passed. The things they had done. All the tension in her body has finally released and now she felt... free, calm, dreamy... in love. More than ever before.

Things were so much clearer now that the truth was too. The future felt... good... bright... like there was finally something to look forward to. She just did not know what. But that was something she loved. It always kept her guessing.

She let her mind wander to the many events of the previous day, allowing her mind to run away into pure bliss as she play-backed everything. The kisses, the embraces, the stars, the beauty of the full moon, the lovemaking.

It was far too amazing for her to comprehend everything that had taken place. The most amazing and special night of her entire life. There were no words big enough or great enough to describe how exactly she was feeling.

Only two incredibly small words could even begin to complete that task. Two words, six letters. Simple. In love.

So blindly and passionately in love that she was willing to sacrifice anything and everything to be with him. And she just hoped that he felt the same way she does.

But of course, he does. They are married, husband and wife forever... that means that they will love each other forever and always no matter what happens.

But she was struggling to keep up with everything that was happening in her life. She needed him dangerously right now. If she needed him anymore then it would physically hurt.

Everything felt like it was spiralling out of control and only he could fix it. Just by being near.

He was the only consistent thing in her life that wasn't a lie or falling apart.  He was the only one who was capable of slowing it all down, all of the stress and worry, and take it away with one simple touch or kiss.

She needed that right now. She needed it right now because everything she has ever known has been a lie. He's the only thing that isn't a lie, the only thing that's valid.

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