Chapter 11

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The young couple walked through the forest together hand in hand as Barry led them in the direction of some place in the forest that his father would leave the things from eighteen years ago. 

"My dad told me he likes to come here a lot and he used to take me out here when I was younger a lot. He never told me why only that he really liked the spot as he came here a lot with that special person that he lost that I told you about a while ago. Other than that he didn't say anything else about it but I could always sense that there was something he wasn't telling me about here, I know it and out of everywhere this seems the most likely spot. But we are in my dad's lands so if we get caught here... well, I'll have a lot of explaining to do," he explained as they stopped in front of a very tall tree.

"Okay, well I suggest that we start digging," Caitlin replied nodding. They both got on their hands and knees and began to dig. They didn't have anything else but their hands so this was the best that they could do.

It took about an hour but soon they found a large sack buried under the ground at teh foot of the tree. Letting out nervous yet triumphant laughs, they pulled the sack out of the dirt and opened it. Inside they found many different objects that neither recognised or knew what they were. There were packets and bags of things and jewellery specifically rings.

"What are these 'condoms'?" Caitlin read the packet of something she picked up from the sack with a puzzled expression.

"No idea. I suggest we take all this stuff back to the barn and sort through it all there and try and figure it all out. But there must be a reason that all of this was hidden. Obviously to stop people from finding it but specifically why. Why do these things need to be hidden? What do they do and what do they prove?" Barry replied and she nodded in response with a short smile.

They gathered all the things up and picked up the sack. They walked all the way back to the barn and dropped it all off there before going for a walk after deciding to sort through the rest of it later on. They wanted to know whether there was anything else hidden in that area to check they had gotten all of the evidence first. It seemed that Barry's father had put a lot of effort into making sure that no one found out about those objects and they wanted to know why amongst other things.

They had so many questions and it seemed that they were one step closer to finding those answers. In fact, they were much closer to those answers than they knew realised at this current moment in time. A lot closer.

They headed back to the area where they found the first sack and widened their search by about another hundred metres.

Caitlin wandered about looking for anything suspicious while Barry searched in the other direction but they tried not to stray from each other too much. She was mostly looking at the ground so she did not realise what she was approaching. A small house or hut in fact. She was humming under her breath as she traipsed along the beaten path.

"Who are you!? What are you doing here!?" a loud booming voice shouted.

Caitlin immediately screamed as loud as she possibly could as her gaze snapped up to the person, the man, shouting at her. A middle aged man holding a handmade wooden spear.

"BARRY!" she screamed and ran to hide behind a tree. Moments later, Barry ran to her and pulled her into his arms to soothe her after hearing her screams. He looked up at the man holding the spear and saw that his threatening and intimidating manner had turned to a more curious one.

"Who are you two? What are you doing here?" The man asked less menacingly this time as he lowered the spear seeing that they wouldn't harm him.

"I'm Barry and this is... this is Caitlin my... my... my lover," Barry replied still cradling her in his arms. The man certainly wasn't from the male faction, he would have recognised him and the man would have recognised him as the chief's son if he was. He was going to lie about his and Caitlin's relationship but Caitlin was already cradled and sobbing in his arms, he couldn't exactly say that they were enemies when they were doing that.

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