Chapter 8

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Barry returned from meeting Caitlin in the woods and snuck back into his and his father's house and hoped that his father hadn't noticed his absence for the last few hours. While Caitlin's mother was the bigger threat to their love and relationship, he had no idea how his father would react. He would certainly not be able to see Caitlin ever again but Henry wouldn't kill or be violent towards anyone.

But Barry couldn't take that risk. Never being able to see his beloved Caitlin ever again would hurt like hell. He loved her and being away from her would be worse than death. Caitlin was worth more to him than anyone else and losing her, even the very thought of it, crushed him. Not being able to see her beautiful face would be pure torture. And what if something happened to her? He could never let that happen. Not to her.

He walked towards his room and sighed as he shut the door. He never felt more lonely than when he was alone in here. His Caitlin was a whole world away and the fact that not too long ago it was her lips on his while in tangled each other's arms, it was perfect. He never felt more lonely than when she was away. He honestly wasn't sure whether they could spend the rest of their lives like this. They had to find a way out of all of this. There must be a way out of this madness. There had to be.

Barry's head snapped up and out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door and the sound of his father's voice on the other side of it. Moments later, he entered the room and stood in front of him with a serious expression. Barry frowned and looked up at his father, worried that perhaps he had found out about his and Caitlin's secret relationship and was here to confront him about it. 

"Son, we need to have a talk, a serious one,"Henry stated seriously. Barry gulped. He could feel sweat on the forehead and brow from worry. Did he know? What would happen next? What were he and Caitlin going to do? How did he find out? "About your future. About this war. You need to know the truth and I think you're finally ready to hear it. You're old enough and one day you will be chief on this tribe. I think you're ready, son. I've watched you grow up and become a great man. The man that will lead this tribe,"

Barry let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know. But how could he?

"You mean, the truth about the war? How it all started?" he questioned.

"Yes. You have to understand this first, this stays between us. You can't tell anyone else about this. The others, they can't know the truth. It'll only hurt them which is why I'm only telling you now, my son,"


"It all started eighteen years ago..." Henry began to explain after taking a deep breath and taking the time to think about his words before saying them aloud, it was important that he got this right...

Meanwhile, Caitlin was sitting in her own room when her mother entered her room abruptly startling the young woman from her daydreams about kissing Barry. It was often something she dreamt and thought about when she was alone. However, just at the thought of the feel of his soft lips on hers was enough to make so miss him so. She wanted to be back in the hold of his protective arms right now and feel those lips against hers again.

It often drove her a little crazy. She was crazy about him and being away from him was pure torture. She couldn't wait until tomorrow when she would see him again and feel him against her. She could hardly contain her excitement and anticipation. She craved for him.

"Caitlin, we need to talk. About why we are at war. You will chief one day and you need to know this, I won't tell you everything but all you need for now at least. The rest will become clearer for another day," Carla stated seriously with her usual disapproving and patronising frown and tone.

"Okay. I assume this stays between us then," Caitlin replied nervously.

"Yes, indeed it does. It's for the other's own good," Caitlin nodded. "Well, it all started eighteen years ago," Carla began to explain after taking a deep breath and taking the time to think about her words before saying them aloud, it was important that she got this right...

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