[1] ~When He Tries To Kill You~ {Part 4: Homicidal Liu/Sully}

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⨂Homicidal Liu/Sully⨂ (Bold Words = Sully)

Walking home alone late at night never bothered you before. Your town wasn't relatively dangerous and you knew how to protect yourself well enough. But something about tonight felt off, a sense of uneasiness washed over you the minute you stepped out of work and onto the sidewalk. You felt eyes glued to you, it was obvious someone was watching you so you kept your guard up.

Suddenly loud footsteps came running up behind you and you spun around quickly only to be slammed against a brick wall of a building. You looked up to see a man with shaggy brown hair and white eyes. His face was covered in stitches, and you could see his scarf was covering up some on his neck. You assumed there was more of them under the black trench coat and pants he was wearing, but you were more focused on the knife pressed to your neck.

"Hey sweetcheeks, ready to die?" His voice sounded almost demonic as he let out a deep and insane chuckle. You were scared but tried your best not to show it as you simply shook your head not trusting your voice right now.

"Aww well that's no fun. But too bad". He pressed the knife harder into your neck, causing some blood to drip down from the cut. He smirked at you, seeing the fear and pain in your eyes. You didn't want to die, so your only thought was too fight back which is exactly what you did. You brought your knee up fast and hit him right in the gut causing him to gasp in pain. You took the chance of his grip loosening on you and pushed him away with all your strength, it was enough to make him fall back against the concrete.

Not waiting to see if he tried to get up you made a break for it down the street. You though it would be unwise to go back to your house since that man might follow you so you decided to go to a relative of yours place. It might be cruel, cause that psycho might come there and hurt them, but they were assholes to you most of the time. Which you could deal with for a night if it meant not having that guy show up at your house...

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