[1] ~When He Tries To Kill You~ {Part 5: Dr. Smiley}

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⨂Dr. Smiley⨂ (Warning: Made this one a bit long. Oops)

Getting jumped has happened to you before, but never have you been beat up this badly. Your ankle was twisted, you had multiple cuts and scratches and you were pretty sure one guy had broken your rib. It was getting harder and harder to continue standing as you limped your way down the street to your home. Hopefully your Brother/Sister would be home and could help you out.

As you made your painful journey you heard a car slowly pulling up behind you. You took a quick peak behind you to see a black van stop on the side of the road just behind you before a man in a doctors coat, white button up shirt and black tie stepped out. He had dark black hair, rose red eyes and a surgical mask with a sharp tooth smile painted on it that covered his mouth. You immediately didn't feel safe with this man around even if he was dressed as a doctor so you tried to speed up as much as you can to make some distance between you and him.

You could hear his footsteps getting closer to you before you felt a hand grab your shoulder causing you to hiss in pain when the hand touched a cut. Of course it was the creepy 'doctor' that stopped you and for once you prayed that you weren't going to be offered help.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Smiley. I see your quite injured, why don't you come to my office and ill patch you up" He said cheerfully but all you could think was 'Bullshit. Run'. And that's exactly what you attempted to do, but with your ankle you didn't make it far before the 'Doctor' caught up with you and put a rag over your mouth.

You tried not to breath in and struggle out of his grip. The lack of air though, caused you to take a deep breath and inhale whatever was on that piece of cloth. You started to feel light headed and everything went blurry before you passed out.

---Time Skip---

You groaned as your eyes fluttered open, only to see more darkness. Your head hurt and you could feel yourself being dragged across the floor. Looking up you could see Doctor Smiley had you by your shirt and was dragging you through a old building. The man looked at you obviously surprised you were already awake. It was silent as you two stared at each other before you came to your senses and began struggling.

Smiley was taken back by your sudden movements and let his grip go enough for you to break free. You scrambled to get up, pain shooting through your ankle but the adrenaline made you ignore it. You didn't know the lay out of this building but you ran as fast as your twisted ankle would let you. The pain was nothing compared to the thought of what that man was gonna do to you.

You could see what seemed to be a exit, thank god you were on the first floor you don't know if you could make it down a set of stairs right now. You could hear him behind you and it only fueled you to run faster. Smiley growled at he started to catch up to you but you already made it out the front door that he carelessly forgot to close on his way in with you.

You didn't stop running, the pain was nothing to you right now. You ran until you were in a populated area. It was dark out but people were wandering around, going to bars and such. You looked behind you to see that man gone and sighed in relief, before the pain caught up with you and you collapsed. A few people stopped to ask if you were okay and someone called 911...


[A/N] |Not Important you can skip|

Sorry if I didn't get Dr. Smiley accurate I like him but I'm not that good at writing his character.

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