[1] ~When He Tries To Kill You~ {Part 6: Nathan The Nobody}

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⨂Nathan The Nobody⨂

Drip drip drip

The sound of dripping water woke you up in the middle of the night. You sat up, thinking that your bathroom sink was leaking again and walked over to it. But it wasn't leaking.

Drip drip drip

You tilt your head hearing it again frown getting annoyed now. You made your way to the kitchen and checked the sink there but nothing. The dripping could be heard though and it was starting to get to you. Their wasn't anything else that could be leaking water, so what was causing that bothersome drip?

You turned around to go back to your room, hoping you could just fall back asleep but let out a scream when you saw a man right behind you. He had long black hair, two different coloured eyes (One blue one green) and a mask covering his mouth. You tensed and tried to back up but you hit the counter. You were scared and didn't know what to do, especially when you noticed the bloody pipe in his hand.

He walked closer to you and raised the pipe, not saying anything as he gripped it tightly about to swing it at your head. You closed your eyes, accepting that this man was going to kill you and waited for the blow. You were to paralyzed to do anything else.

But the hit never came.

You opened one of my eyes slowly to see the pipe right next to your head, he had stopped before he hit you. You opened your other eye and starred at him confused, he just starred into your E/C eye with his multi coloured ones.

"She said to let you live" He said quietly before turning on his heels and walking away. You just stood there, surprised and still scared. Who told him not to kill you? You didn't see anyone else....

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