[1] ~When He Tries To Kill You~ [Part 11: The Rake]

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R/N : Roommates Name


IT was always watching you. For the past month it was always at the end of your bed or out the window, just starring. You didn't know what it was, but it wasn't human. Most nights you couldn't sleep because you knew it was there. It was pale, its skin looked like leather and its fingers were long sharp claws. It eyes glowed in the dark and were focused on you and only you.

Why was it here? What had you done that made this thing follow you? You didn't know the answers and didn't care, you just wanted it to leave you alone! Tonight it was there again, and you had enough of it. You sat up slowly and made eye contact with it, it just starred not saying anything or moving. Suddenly lunged at you making you scream in terror.

You quickly moved out of the way just as his claws came down to hit you, they only scratched your side but it was very painful. You whimpered and got up as fast as you could while the creature growled at you. Your only defense was to throw a pillow at it, but it distracted it long enough for you to bolt out your front door. Luckily you lived with your roommate, R/N, and when they heard you they came running out. He/She asked you what was wrong and you pointed to the creature coming out of your room.

R/N screamed as well and this made the creature run to the nearest window and jump out of it. You both starred shock before deciding not to call the police. I mean what would you say to them?

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