[1] ~When He Tries To Kill You~ [Part 9: Masky and Hoodie]

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⨂Masky And Hoodie⨂

This was a bad idea, a very bad idea. You had been dared to go into this abandoned house by your friends for 50 bucks. Of course none of you thought anyone would be in there, it was just a creepy looking place and they wanted to see if you would get scared. So you put on a brave face, grabbed a flashlight since the place didn't have power and walked inside since the front door was unlocked.

It wasn't too dark in there, light shone in through the windows and lit the place up well enough but you kept the flashlight close to you anyway. The house was filthy, there was trash and dirt everywhere. Furniture was flipped over and glass was broken on the floor, it kinda looked like someone had been here recently.

You pushed that thought from your mind and continued through the house. Nothing of interest was downstairs so you headed to the second level. On the stairs sat a doll, it was pure white with no face and had long legs. You tilted your head and went up the rest of the stairs. It was getting dark in there now so you turned the flash light on. The minute it lit up, your heart stopped as you saw two figures standing in a room at the end of the hall.

They had been talking to each other before turning their heads to you. They both wore masks. One had a ski mask that covered his whole head, it had red eyes and a frown stitched into it. The other wore a white mask with feminine features on it.

"This isn't worth 50 dollars..." You mumbled to yourself before you hurried down the stairs. The two men immediately reacted and followed you. You grew scared hearing them running behind you and opened up a closet door you ran past in hopes of slowing them down. It obviously worked because you heard one of them smack right into it.

You held back a laugh in this life or death situation and bolted out the door to the car your friends were waiting in.

"Y/N what happened" One of them asked as you jumped into the drivers seat just as the one man wearing the white mask burst out the door. You assumed the other one was the one that had run into the closet door.

"Who is that" You friends screamed and you quickly started the car and sped off, while trying to explain what happened

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