[1] ~When He Tries To Kill You~ [Part 12: Smile dog]

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It started with a chain email. It was from a friend of yours you haven't talked to in years but you decided to open it. The email was titled 'Spread The Word' and its only content was a picture of a disturbing looking dog with a wide grin that shouldn't even be possible for the animal.

A shiver went down your spine and you quickly deleted what you though was a joke mail and went one with your day, trying to keep that creepy photo off your mind.


As the day came to a end, you got ready to sleep. As you laid down you got a dreadful feeling but tried to ignore it and soon fell asleep. You didn't get peaceful rest for long though, because a low animal like growl woke you back up. You sat up quickly to see a dog at the end of your bed, the same one from the picture. What frightened you more was the smile it gave you before lunging at you.

You screamed and held your arms up in defense, which in returned made the dog bite your arm. That caused you to let out another shriek before you tried to shake him off, slapping and scratching at the dogs face. Your screams awoke your neighbors who called the cops, meanwhile you were able to get the creature to let your arm go.

You scrambled to get out of your bedroom but the dog pounced on your back, making you fall face first into the ground. You groaned but before the beast could do anything else sirens could be heard outside your house. You heard another growl before the weight was off your back and you heard the dog run out of your room, probably out of your house too.

You had to be taken to the hospital where you got multiple stitches in your arm.

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