[1] ~When He Tries To Kill You~ {Part 3: BEN DROWNED}

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Video games were a hobby of yours, playing them and making them. You enjoyed it well enough, though you weren't obsessed with them. So when a cartage with 'MAJORAS MASK' written on it with a sharpie showed up in your mail, you were curious yet not that interested.

You left it in your closet for a month before decided to break out your old Nintendo and see if it even worked. The game fired up, and you noticed that there was already a save file on it called BEN. Shrugging your shoulders you completely ignored it and made a new game save. But it didn't take long for the screen to go black and white letters to pop up spelling out 'YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT'

You were confused, was this apart of the game? You had never played a LOZ game before so you didn't no if this was normal or not. You were about to turn the console off but a hand reached out of your TV and grabbed your wrist. You let out a scream and yanked your arm away while watching a man, who wore the same clothes as link crawl out of the screen. His eyes were black with red pupils and blood was spilling out of them.

"I hate when people don't play by the rules" The boy growled out as he moved closer to you. You were terrified and your first instinct was to protect yourself, by kicking him right in the face. He yelped in pain as you continued to hit him, yelling at him to leave you alone as you did. He grabbed your foot and glared at you before starting to pull you into the TV.

A idea popped into your head, you let him pull you until he was almost all the way back into the TV, before you kicked again causing him to let you go. As fast as you could you yanked the TV's power cord from the wall before the link look alike could come back out. You starred at the blank TV screen in shock, panting heavily as your heart beat started to slow down.

You unplugged the rest of the electronics in the house after that.

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