A Friend

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About two days later, Belle had fallen asleep in the shop's corner when Willy Wonka himself was had come to lock up. When he saw Belle, he jumped but she continued to slumber.

He nervously glanced around, hopping someone else could deal with this. Upon realizing no one else was around, he heaved a great sigh and gently shook her.

She stirred slowly before sluggishly sitting up with the most adorable yawn. When she saw the man and noticed it was getting dark, she blushed.

"Oops." He nodded. "You better get home, your parents must be worried." She nodded before hoping up and running to the door. Just before she ran out, he stopped her.

"Here." He handed her a Wonka bar and her eyes went wide. "Thank you Mr..." "Wonka." Her eyes popped.

"Wonka? The Willy Wonka?" She curtsied in her little yellow dress. "My name's Belle, it's an honor to meet you sir." He smiled at her good manners.

"It's nice to meet you too Belle. I hope you come back tomorrow." She looked up. "I will." And she ran outside and into the night. Once she left, he locked the door and couldn't help help smiling as he thought back to her glowing face.


Time past and Willy and Belle met up many times after that. Although Willy seemed unaffected by time, Belle turned thirteen and her body became taller and curvier. She grew older but always remained his only friend. Even when he opened his factory, they made sure to keep in touch. Then one night, Belle made a very important call.

"Hey Willy?" "Belle? It's five o'clock in the morning what's up?" She gulped.

"Well...you know how you said your doors are always open to me?" There was a pause. "Yeah, what about it?" She drew in a shaky breath as one tear fell.

"I...have a favor to ask." She glanced at the family picture on her bedside table. "It's a big one..."

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