The Little Shop

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It was another afternoon at the tiny Willy Wonka shop when a relatively little girl came in. She wasn't special in any way, but glowed with a positive energy others were jealous of. She was about 12 years old and possessed a pair of big turquoise eyes that were full of wonder. Unlike other girls her age, (when they were supposed to act mature and such) this girl looked so happy and carefree, you could almost mistake her as a six year old. Not that she really minded.

Noticing the crowded counter, she sat down by a window to wait it out. Upon noticing there were an awful lot of people, she sighed sadly as the cheery look slipped from her face.

Just then, a rather old looking man came around the counter and approached her. He looked about fifty, fifty-three years old and his name tag said Mr. Joe Bucket. When he reached her, she glanced up at him through several stray strands of her low Earth brown ponytail.

"Pardon me, but why aren't you at the counter?" She glanced at the scene before speaking.

"There's so many people, I couldn't get anything if I stole it." He glanced over with a thoughtful nod.

"Wait here." He went away for a moment before coming back with a simple milk chocolate Wonka bar. With a happy smile, she paid him and took the bar.

"Thank you Mr. Bucket!" She called as she leapt out the door and into the street.

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