Violet & the Blueberry Gum

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The ship finally pulled up to the Inventing Room, a place I had been successfully avoiding since I ate the rainbow candy. Knowing Willy, it seemed only natural he turned the tour here. I glanced at Violet, suddenly hungry, like a vampire desiring blood. That's a bad sign. My stomach growled to confirm it. I pushed it aside to enjoy the tour, though I didn't disguise my discomfort well because Charlie squeezed my hand.

"Are you alright?" I nodded. "Fine." I lied, unsure if I could truly trust him. 'For Pete's sake we were just talking about how he's bound to win. If you really feel that bad, maybe you should take a breather.' And for once, I agreed. Excusing myself, I slipped into a quiet shadowed corner where Katie's voice kicks in anew.

'What is wrong with you today? You've never been this...defiant.' My hands went to my skull, grasping fistfuls of hair. Shut up. I can't deal with this just shut up. Katie's silent at first before something starts to squeeze my throat, like hands wrapped around it. My hands reach up only to find nothing yet my throat remains constricted. I felt warm breath brush over my neck as Katie's green lips appeared out of the corner of my vision.

'Now listen here you, you can't get rid of me, you didn't know what you were getting into when you ate that candy but it's time to face facts; I am you, I'm in your muscules, your bones, your blood. I'm not going, not now not ever and if you try to get rid of me...' The lips pulled back to a fanged smile. 'Let's just say you'll really have no where to call home.' My wide eyes darted to Willy standing several feet away.

'We'll always be together, always. Understand?' I managed a weak nod. Understood. The unseen hands fell away and I collapsed to the ground, choking as I attempted to regain my breath. At the sound of a mocking laugh, I looked up to see Katie, grinning at me like the Cheshire Cat with eyes that burned an entirely new color; neon red, like fresh spilled blood.

As she faded away, Willy slipped beside me and helped me to my feet. "Are you alright?" When I looked up into his kind brown eyes, I felt tears spring up in mine. "She's starving Willy, she wants to kill all the kids except Charlie. I don't know how long I can hold her off." He held me gently against his chest. "It'll be alright Belle, it'll all be alright." "You're just saying that because you're my friend." "But it's helping isn't it?" Rather then replying, I nod slightly.

Right then, I noticed over Willy's shoulder the scene playing out; Violet was turning violet. She must've eaten the dinner gum. Darn, I was sure Veruca would go before her. 'Ha! I bet on Violet, you owe me ten bucks!' I jumped at Katie's sudden outburst, though she was gone before I could reply.

Anyway, Violet started to inflate, like all the test Oompa-Loompas before her. I pulled from Willy's grasp and joined the crowd, looking up with wide eyes and a slightly gaping mouth that started to drool. If there's one kind of fruit juice I love even without Katie's help it's blueberry and Violet was just full of it.

My train of thought was interrupted by the all too familiar starting notes of a song. Even without looking Katie in the face, I knew she was silently begging. (Sigh) Why not? And with a squeal, she burst forth to join in the music, her eyes changed to a glowing yellow with brown iris' as she moved quickly from shadow to shadow, grinning with fangs that were white and glowing with a baby blue light.

(Violet Beauregarde Song)

When it's done, I run up to Willy and throw my arms around his neck, tucking my head under his neck with a content humming sound like a kitty purring. He freezes but patiently waits for me to return which I do in a few seconds. I jump back with blushing cheeks, he smiles knowingly.

"For such a friendly child, you sure are naughty when Katie kicks in." My blush deepens as Katie grins beneath the surface. 

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