Belle and Katie

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The next morning, Belle woke up with a lollipop stick on her bedside table. Memories of the night before came crashing down on her as she noticed a tiny lollipop tattoo that had appeared on her inner left wrist.

I'm not Belle in that state, she thought, I'm Katie. That must be why I said it. But...what's to become of me? She bit her lower lip as she started to wonder.


For two weeks after that, Belle struggled with her other half; by day she was Willy's sister/friend, beloved by all in the factory, by night, she was Katie, creative candy murderer of naughty children.

As time passed, she continued to kill a max of two naughty children per night, and their families too if they were equally as awful. One night, Willy set a trap which successfully caught her only for him to find out the next morning who she really was.

"Belle? You're the monster?" She looked up at him through the bars of her cage. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" He hesitated before slowly nodding.

"Is there any way I can help?" She wanted to say no but an idea struck her. "Remember that time you said you found your first silver hair?" "Yeah what about it?" She drew in a breath.

"I want you put your plans in action, the ones about a heir to the factory." His jaw dropped. "But, how will I know who'll be perfect for the job?" She tapped her chin for a moment. Finally, she bit her lower lip.

"I got an idea, but you're not gonna like it."

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