Prince Pondicherry

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The next morning, dressed in the proper attire, they went to the worksite where everything was set in motion. In a traditional Indian dress that was pink and speckled with white, Belle sat in Willy's balcony office, gently stroking the blue petals of a flower as Willy looked over the palace plans.

The door opened and they both looked up as man dressed in white silk and gold strode in, his slightly youthful features calm yet angry.

"Mr. Wonka, how's the palace coming along?" His voice had an accent, yet he spoke fluent English. He strode to the table and placed his hands on both sides, looking Willy in the eye.

"It's coming along fine your majesty." Willy said, his voice unusually calm as it always was in business. The prince glanced at the colorful blueprint before raising his head and freezing when he saw Belle. She glanced back before looking out onto the sunny day.

"Mr. Wonka, you didn't tell me you had a wife." Willy glanced up and looked at Belle. "Oh she isn't my wife, she's my sister. But still single." The Prince softly smiled.

"Is she?" He pulled back and walked to where she sat. When he sat just by her feet, she glanced his way, eyes so bright and lovely in the sunlight that he lost himself right then and there.

"Hello." Her voice, soft like silk, plucked his heartstrings as he smiled. "Hello, what is your name?" She tucked the flower behind her ear. "Belle." He drew in a slow breath at the sound of it.

" perfect." She smiled politely, well aware of the desire that lit his brown eyes.

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