Changes over time

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A year later, Willy Wonka shut his factory down and spent his free time with Belle, the two of them had become inseparable over the years and though opportunities to be adopted had presented themselves to Belle, she found she greatly preferred the factory to the real world. But that wasn't the only problem; both Belle and Willy were beginning to have new thoughts about each other.

He really is such a wonderful man. Belle thought one morning as Willy made breakfast. So creative and clever, it's a shame he doesn't get out. She paused. Then again, given how rotten people tend to be maybe that's more of a blessing. And she glanced away as she sipped her cup of extra honeyed tea.

Unknown to her, Willy was thinking up a storm himself. Belle's gotten so beautiful over the years. I wonder where she got it. He glanced at her as she looked the other way, taking in her soft, kind facial features. She not an over-the-top beauty, more like a soft, gentle one, like a light colored flower. He slowed his actions briefly. I wonder what she thinks of me. Then again, do I even know what I think of her?

So the two of them were left to their thoughts, wondering what one thought of the other.


Two more years came and went in which Willy found the Oompa-Loompas, started up the factory again, and became a man shrouded in mystery. Belle, now a lovely sixteen year old, was still as curious as ever and even more so with each new Wonka candy creations. Her past times included tending the candy room, helping the Oompa-Loompas reach high things, and learning about new candies in the inventing room.

Until one unfortunate day when she spotted a rainbow colored chocolate sphere. It had been shelved with the other 'Most-likely-won't-be-sold' candies.

A rainbow chocolate? Who ever heard of such a thing? But even so, she couldn't help grabbing and pocketing it to examine later.

That night, she was sitting in her room, looking over the unusual candy. It was as big as a jumbo gobstopper and consisted of some many thin swirls of color it would be impossible to identify them all. It's surface was smooth and soft, like any chocolate sphere but heavy like a gobstopper. She rolled it around in her fingers a few more times before finally mustering up the courage to take a bite.

It almost folded in on itself as she bite down. It's center was dark red and dripping with a lighter shaded juice. She only had a moment to stare in shock before her throat constricted suddenly.

She gasped as the candy fell from her hand, rolling away into a corner. She tried in vain to breathe but froze when she finally saw herself in the mirror.

Her slightly wavy brown hair seemed to raise itself up as it turned to a shoulder length bunch of curls, the exact shade of milk chocolate. Her skin faded to a shade of light pink like cotton candy, and her small blue eyes grew unbelievably large as they turned the same shade of blue cotton candy. Her jaw dropped in shock, only to find her teeth had become as thin as candy canes, sharp like needles, and a shade of dark red with a design that made it look like licorice.

And she was hungry, oh so very hungry. She staggered to her feet, spotted the chocolate sphere and devoured it like a rabid beast.

"Hee hee, candy. Katie wants candy." And she slipped out a secret door and into the night. 

She slipped like melted chocolate through the shadows as her senses remained alert. She was just getting ready to give up when her nose caught a scent.

It was foul but fresh, she slipped through the shadows until she came upon a house where a heated argument could be heard from within. The door opened and an angry boy stomped out.

"Fine, I'll run away to a place where people can appreciate me." He stomped off towards a park, and Belle followed in hungry pursuit.

He sat down on a bench and Belle took the opportunity to step forward. He looked up at her, his face empty of all kindness.

"Who the hell are you?" She smiled, his naughtiness radiated off him in waves.

"A friend." Then without warning, her eyes transformed into rainbow spirals, so bright and colorful.

The boy's mouth dropped as his eyes began to mimic what he saw she smiled, revealing her fangs before cupping the boy's chin to make sure he didn't glance away.

"You've been a very bad boy. I think you deserve a punishment." He nodded blankly and smiled before a soft ping rang out, he was completely under her spell. She smiled before a licking a black nail with her purple tongue. The nail then extended forward to form a long black spike which she pressed into his forehead.

He slumped to the ground and curled up in a sleeping ball. His body shrunk and began to change shape until all that was left was a orange lollipop with white swirls. Belle smiled as she picked up the candy and skipped back to the factory, licking the treat all the way.

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