The Repulsive Four

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*A/N: Fun fact; did you know all the kid actors went to greater fame except Julia Winter (Veruca Salt)? It's true, look it up.*

Unlike Willy, who adored surprises, I kept a close tab on the golden ticket search. Going down the risky path, I started leaving the factory to travel all around the world be night's dark cape. Eventually, I realized it'd be easier to set up a TV in my room and keep track of things from there. And it's a good thing I did because the next day the first ticket was found.

"Germany huh? America owes a lot to them, especially their fairy tales." The first kid was a real butterball, fat as a tank with the manners of a pig. His name's Augustus Gloop, and I smiled at his fatness. He'll make a delicious chocolate cake, with lots and lots of cream. I already knew he wouldn't get very far in life. That's what I thought for all the kids, along with what candies I'd turn them into...

Veruca Salt - maybe a salty caramel with whipped cream

Violet Beauregarde - isn't it obvious? A huge wad of bubble gum, classic bubble gum flavor

Mike Teavee - to be perfectly honest, I had absolutely no idea

It was the day before the factory opening and I had lost all hope of the perfect child inheriting the factory. Not only were the Oompa-Loompa's lifes at stake but mine was hanging in the balance as well. Since I became Katie, my senses were sharper, my hunger greater, but that wasn't the only thing that had changed...

A few days ago...

I was in my room, watching the live report of the third ticket being found. What a disgusting girl. I thought before flicking off the TV. Sighing, I walked out my room and off down the hall.

Around once a month, Willy had his annual haircut, I had my annual checkup. It was Wily's idea, to make sure I was growing up right since I moved into the factory. I honestly thought it was kind of stupid.

Anyway, I slipped into the room, stood up against the wall where several other heights had been marked, and let an Oompa-Loompa stand on a stool to measure me. When I pulled back, I noticed something that made me freeze. My height hadn't changed, it was exactly the same as before which was a good few months ago.

"It has to do with my other half." I whispered, frightened at what I came to realize. "I'm immortal. I can't age anymore."


I knew right then and there that my life wouldn't be the same. I'd never get rid of Katie, by the looks of it, I'd be stuck with her for good. But I don't want to be stuck with her. Sure immortality's cool'll get lonely really quickly, without someone to share it. Since then, I knew if the wrong kid inherited the factory I'd probably get locked away and beat until I lost my sanity. And so far, that probability had manifested itself into an unavoidable doubt within me, causing me fear my safety and the factory's as well. I sighed as the flashback faded away, wondering what would become of my future.

"Aye," I sadly whispered, "what a tangled web we weave."

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