Heart for a Heart

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Hey guys! First chapter, yay. But it might be a little short. Though I should have the next chapter up sometime this weekend. Anyways if you like please vote or comment. Now just sit back and read.


Ah! The sweet smell of the tenth grade halls. Again.

Being back from spring break makes me realize school is an okay place with a ton of friends but I would rather be back in the Bahamas, on vacation. Not in classrooms looking at clocks on the wall, waiting for that period to end. And then going to the next class and doing the same until you are waiting for the dismissal bell to signal the end of that day and repeating everything you did the next day.

"Hey, Aria," Cameron yelled at me from behind and awaking me back to the present, where I was now walking down the hall passing by many lockers.

"Hey, Cam," I said looking behind my shoulder to see him sporting an Aaron Rodgers jersey that barely fit around the shoulders because of how big he was. He was also wearing baggy jeans and black Nikes. As for his hair, he let his now dark brown hair that varied between light and dark be its natural and messy self. Some of it falling onto his forehead right above his light blue eyes that could cheer anyone up when it was paired with smile that showed off his pearly white teeth. I guess you could say Cameron was what a stereotype jock looked like. He had the perfect face and body that girls drooled over, which is exactly what the they did.

Anyways the story of me and Cameron is simple really. Cameron had been my best friend since we were two, but it all started to change once we were 12. And once we turned 13 we just stopped hanging completely. I had quit swimming to become a normal teenager that i wanted to be and while he became the star athlete of our grade, maybe even school. That was always what he had wanted and probably is hoping to go even farther now into college and maybe NFL. And I used be a huge tomboy and love playing football and watching all the games on TV, but got bored of being that girl that was always hanging out with guys, but just as friends. Seeing how all my guy friends were always staring at other girls a different way then me it annoyed me that know one thought of me as pretty. So I decided to stop being the sporty girl, quit swimming, and found some new best friends that could transform me into a normal girl.

What happened to those girls after they helped me? They became some of my best friends. Though I still did hang-out with Cameron and his guy friends sometimes because he was dating one of my best friends, Kara. He was also still a good friend but I just needed some girls to talk to and not have to stand next to guys listening about how other girls were so hot while I wasn't and I was just one of the 'guys'.

Luckily I quit swimming right before puberty kicked in. I didn't have to get to tall to the point where I was almost as tall as the guys at school. But that wasn't the reason I quit swimming; so I could look different. I just wanted to be a normal girl and not have to be known as a tomboy my whole life. I also didn't want to be stuck in my mom's shadow all of teen life. But we can get back to that later.

"So how was your vacation in the Ba-Ham-As?" Cameron asked me like the word was really three. I started to give him my reply as I headed over to my locker to get my books for the first few periods of the day.

"Fine, well I guess AMAZING!" I bragged but when I turned around to talk to him I instead saw that he was kissing Kara straight across the hall from my locker. But I wasn't really bothered by it. They had been seperated for the break. While Cameron was in Colorado hitting the slopes Kara was watching over her foster brother and sisters while her foster mom and dad both had double shifts for work so they could give the kids everything normal kids would have.

I guess we all had our own love stories to get back to, including me.

I was dating one of the football players from our grade. His name was Josh. He was probably the other one of the other hot and cool guy in school that everyone drooled over. Everyone told me that I was really lucky. And I guess I was since Josh liked me, and not a girl who's skirt looked like a belt.

"Hey," Josh said leaning into me and giving me a peck on the lips. Josh was my boyfriend. He is probably the other stereotype guy that sweet sincere but also very sporty and on the football team who always got good grades and had a real relationship with girl he liked, like in the movies. Well I guess actually most of the guys were at this school. It was actually very surprising. Only a few guys were the ones who were players and would have fun with any girl they could get their nasty hands on.

"Hi!" I said really happy to see him again. I stared into his light blue eyes that always captured my gaze. Every time I was staring at something else and he was near I couldn't help but tear my gaze away from something else and stare into his eyes.It was hard to not look into them especially now since it has been almost two weeks since I last saw him and his gorgeous eyes. He was the one thing I actually missed on my vacation. Well the exception of all my friends, I guess.

"So, how was the Bahamas?" Josh asked, but instead of giving me time to answer he kissed me again. Instead of trying to respond back I kissed instead, showing that I really did miss him. That was all I wanted to do today but I think my school had a different idea when the bell rang signaling for us to stop kissing and start learning.

I just thought to myself isn't it great to be back at school. Not!


Well hope you enjoyed. Remeber to vote or comment if you like it so far even though it is short!

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