Chapter 24

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~Lucy's Pov~ 

The next day I was with Erza, Levy and Mira downstairs in the living room. I was sitting back drinking my normal strawberry milkshake as I had been craving them more than normal. "How has the morning sickness been?" Mira asked with Happy on her lap purring away as he was getting Mira to pet him. "A pain in the ass mostly happens in the evenings more the mornings" I spoke as Levy laughed slightly. 'Morning' sickness was a true pain in the ass but for it was worth.....I would deal with it.

"I am so hosting you a baby shower once we found out the gender" Mira spoke sounding excited like normal making us girls laugh as Carla jumped up onto my lap. "You got another cat?" Erza soon asked in some shock as I petted Carla getting her to lay on my lap yawning. "Wendy found her this morning Natsu got her chipped and let Wendy keep her" I answered getting Mira to laughed as Happy looked toward Carla who looked away all sassy like. The two wasn't sure on each other but there not been any fights.

"Both are so kawaii" Mira spoke as we heard the door open. "I'm home" Wendy called as Carla looked toward the door way right away. I laughed as Carla already understood who her owner was. Wendy came into the room saying hi to everyone and walked over sitting next to me as Carla got up and went onto Wendy's lap laying down falling asleep. "Wanna hear some gossip girls?" Mira asked smirking a evil glint in her eyes as Levy answered yes. "Erza and Jellal been seeing each other" Mira spoke as Erza froze up.

Her face soon blended in with her hair. "Erza you shouldn't be shy about it, you love him after all, you should be happy and proud" I spoke smiling as Erza was soon playing with a part of her hair. "W-well I am I just didn't think Mira would find out so fast" Erza spoke stuttering at first getting Mira to giggle and hug her arm smirking her chin going onto Erza's shoulder. "Of course I would find out, how close you guys been?" Mira asked wiggling her eyebrows as Erza's face went a darker red than her hair getting us to laugh.

"Mira be nice" I spoke as there was knocking at the door as I saw Virgo walk past the doorway to the front door. I wondered who it was. "We should go out looking at baby gear, got a theme for the room yet Lucy?" Mira asked as I smiled slightly. "Natsu and I were thinking Dragons and castles" I answered as Mira let go of Erza's arm clapping her hands all excited as Happy jumped onto the coffee table sniffing Mira's coffee. "He will end up drinking that" I spoke as Mira picked up Happy putting him on the floor.

"He is so cute so is the newbie, what's her name?" Mira asked as Wendy smiled brightly. "Carla" Wendy answered as Mira was saying how she loved the name as Levy was saying she should of brought Lily. "Lets go shopping" Mira spoke jumping up onto her feet as Erza shook her head smiling her face slowly going back to it's normal colour shade. "You mean now?" Levy asked as Mira nodded excited. "We are getting baby room theme stuff screw it" Mira nearly shouted sounding way more excited for my child than I was.

"Mira we have a long while until the baby is even here" I spoke as a little sweat went down my face as Mira came over grabbing my hands, pulling me onto my feet. "PLEASE I promise I will cut Natsu's time at work for you" Mira spoke smirking as I smiled slightly. "Shopping time!" I spoke as Erza and Levy laughed getting up as Wendy put Carla down asking to come as Mira shouted 'of course' as an reply as we said by to Virgo before heading out. Me and Mira went into Mira's car as the others went into Erza's.

Mira was driving me to the mall asking me so many questions but it was fun answering and talking about baby things. Once at the mall Mira was rushing us into the baby store as we looked around. Mira was asking the woman at the till about our baby theme items as some cute clothes caught my eye. There some saying going Mummy's Little Star. I had one theme for Natsu already as I knew he wanted kids he was really good with them in honest truth. I watched him raise both Wendy and Romeo. He was amazing at doing so.

"Lucy" Wendy caught my attention as I turned around seeing a white fur dragon in her hands. "Can we get this one for the baby?" Wendy asked smiling as I went to her height putting a hand on her head smiling. "Of course I love it" I spoke as Wendy had a bigger smile on her face saying she was going to find more to match rushing off to the other side of the store. "That your child?" one of the workers asked as I shook my head. "Sister-In-Law" I answered standing up as I felt some sickness in the back of the throat. 

God I hated this 'morning' sickness. "New parent I see, you get use to the sickness over time other mothers say" the worker giggled as I rubbed the back of my neck. "I hope I do soon, it's going to drive me up the wall" I laughed as Mira was next to me saying we was going to the decorating store next as I sweat dropped. "Mira don't say you brought everything again" Erza spoke walking over crossing her arms as Mira gave out her normal nervous guilty laugh as we sighed. "Everything will be at the house by the time we get home even brought the teddies Wendy wanted to get the kid" Mira spoke as Wendy walked over smiling. Levy was laughing behind me.

"She gonna do it to you lot too" I soon pointed out as Levy and Wendy went slightly pale. Erza was shaking her head as Mira dragged me out the store toward the decorating store. Once inside she was asking for child dragons wallpaper as I found a red carpet I liked. "Mira add this too" I spoke as she saw telling the man ordering as I walked over paying for it. "When's the doctors appointment?" Erza soon asked as I smiled. "Tomorrow, another reason Natsu is at work today so he can come along" I answered as the girls smiled as we finished baby shopping and had lunch before starting our own shopping round.

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