Chapter 1

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   ~ This book is dedicated to my ~
            ~ Best friend Nathan. ~

It was early morning and Tessa was making her breakfast. She often enjoyed her mornings, unlike her best friend Nova. But lately she had dreaded them. Since the arrival of Liam and Luke, Tessa hated her mornings. The reason for this was that Luke often got up around the same time she did. Luke had the uncanny ability to drive Tessa nuts, and not in a good way either.

Tessa continued making herself her omelette unaware that Luke had entered the kitchen. Her mind had been elsewhere and hadn't heard the noise of him entering.

"What ya cooking, good looking?" The unexpected voice caused Tessa to jump from being startled. She turned and gave Luke a glare of disapproval. What was wrong with this guy anyway? He just seemed to love torturing her anyway he could find.

"Nothing you will be getting any of." She said turning her attention back to the stove. She ignored the chuckle he gave. He was Hot, she couldn't deny that. But he was very well aware of this fact. It drove her nuts that her brother could be best friends with someone so conceited. The sudden feel of hot breath on the back of her neck made her uneasy. She turned off the stove and turned around to find that he was right behind her. Between him and the stove there was no escape.

"What do you want Luke." She snapped feeling annoyed that he had her in such a vulnerable position. His smile made her feel like slapping him, but she resisted the urge. He wasn't worth it.

"I just wanted something for breakfast, that's all." The gleam in his eyes told her that food wasn't what he wanted. Well she wasn't going to give him anything he wanted. She gave a cold laugh instead.   "Well I'm not giving you anything." She said and shoved him hoping to get through. Unfortunately he stood like a brick wall in front of her. There was no way she'd be able to get him to budge if he didn't want to.

"Get your butt out of my way, Luke!" She shouted at him but all he did was smile. "Only my butt? What about the rest of me? Or do you still want that close to you?"

His words made her fume. The anger inside her was uncharacteristic for her, but nun the less it was there. And he was the cause. Somehow he always got under her skin. "I swear to god, if you don't move I'll give you a reason to never walk again. Now get the f*** out of my way!" He gave another smile before moving aside and reaching for one of the cabinets that held the breakfast items.

The nerve of that jerk made Tessa want to bash him over the head with the skillet she held in her hand. After getting down a plate she placed the omelette on it and grabbed a glass for her milk. Luke sat down at the table and poured the milk into his bowl of Coco Pebbles. "I need that once you're done." She said glancing at him and holding the empty glass in her hands.

"What, no nasty name calling? How unusual of you." The smirk he wore on that well-chiseled face struck her with a mixture of emotions, but she decided to focus on the bad ones.

"Fine, I need the milk you conceited bastard." She couldn't tell if it amused him more or if he was just trying to make her even more mad. But the face and the chuckle he gave made her think he enjoyed her behavior. She grabbed the milk and poured a glass before putting it back in the fridge. Taking a seat her brother walked into the room.

"Morning Liam." She chimed in a welcoming voice. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Morning." He said groggy. She swatted at him to indicate she didn't like his little gesture. Once hearing a chuckle from Luke she started to feel angry again.

"Oh shut it Luke." Luke looked at her with playful amusement. "Make me small Fry." His signature smirk showed on his face.

"You two have got to start getting along." Liam quipped looking at both of them. "We all live together for the time being, y'all could at least play nice." He said looking at me.

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