Chapter 14

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The clatter of the Diner became white noise as Tessa thought about the last few nights, how she had opened herself up completely to him. It made her feel more vulnerable then ever. But she was willing to take the risk. Telling him she loved him felt so good, just being able to get that out was amazing. One thing though was he obviously wasn't ready to say it back, which was fine. But was he ever going to feel that way about her?

She told him "just sex" and what if he planned on sticking to that. A war of emotions raged inside her. What was she doing? What is she getting herself into? Everything in her that had sense told her beware and don't go near, but she couldn't help herself when it came to him. He was her drug and even if it was going to kill her in the end, she needed the fix.

She thought about the touch of his fingers and the feel of his tongue on her body. It sent desire through her. The feelings that he gave her were unparalleled to anything she felt before. But was he serious about her?if not she couldn't blame him, after all it was her that told him it couldn't be anything more then sex.

At that moment she hated herself, if she got hurt it would be her own fault.

"Hey, you should come over for dinner tonight." Heathers voice brought her from her thoughts. "Uh, sure. Sounds great, I need some time out of my head." Heather looked at her with understanding eyes. She was the only one who knew, and Tessa felt like she was about to pour everything out and tell her the rest, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"How's it going with Luke?" Tessa sighed, Heather wasn't going to let it slide. "Its honestly going great." Even though that was the truth Tessa said it half heartedly. "You couldn't convince yourself with that, why do you think I'd believe it?" She couldn't help but smile at her friend. Heather was always there for her, always knew her and didn't judge it when she acted stupid.

"Well I don't know what's wrong with me. Cause it's going great. But yet I feel like he isn't really there, ya know. Like he isn't truly giving himself to me. This morning he wouldn't tell me what was going on. Which killed me, cause I thought he trusted me. I feel like he is holding back becuase he doesn't plan on sticking around."

Heather looked at her with a confused face. "Do you want him to? I thought it was just sex. Are you telling me you have feelings for him?"
"Yes. I kinda got attached." Heather smirked and nudged her arm. "Well does he know?" Tessa nodded. There was no possible way he didn't. She told him everything, and he definetly knew. If he didn't, he wasn't listening to her. She outright told him that she loved him, it couldn't be possible that he didn't understand that. Right?

"Well you have to trust yourself. He would be stupid if he didn't care about you. But seriously though, when are you going to tell Liam?" Tessa's eyes went wide. How in the heck could she ever tell Liam? She knew he would freak if he knew what the two of them had been up to. Heather laughed at the face she made and walked away. "Don't forget, dinner tonight." She said as she got farther away.


Dinner with the Richards is something Tessa hadn't had in a long time. Back when Heather was dating Callen, he was always at the house with them. Callen had become part of her family. Every time she looked at Heather and Callen together she would be in awe of how much they were made for each other. Would anyone ever look at her and someone like that?

She always believed there is someone out there for everyone, but would she ever find the guy she was made for? And was it Luke? Yes she loved him, but some love doesn't last. Was the love she had for him lasting, or one that would fade with time?

That thought scared her. She couldn't think of that, she loved him more then anyone. Tessa wished she could talk to the one she knew would be able to tell her what she needed to know, but that woman died years ago.

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