Chapter 20 - Part 2

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Luke walked through the house headed for the door. He straightened his jacket and stopped for a moment. He twirled around slowly. Taking in the size of everything. This was where he was going to spend the rest of his life with Tessa. He took a moment to let that sink in.

As he walked out the door he was met with the cold wind. Winter weather was the worst at times like these. Sure it was a nice excuse to cuddle. But still it was annoying to deal with. He got in the car and thought about what Tessa must think about him. Why hadn't he told her he loved her yet? He did love her. But something just held him back from saying those three words.

He shook his head. she had to notice. And he couldn't imagine how it must hurt her.. Why was it so hard for him to say? Was it fear? Maybe it wasn't the right timing. He wasn't sure what the fuck was going on in his head. He knew he loved her. But yet he couldn't put it into words. What the Hell was wrong with him?


Luke sat behind his usual desk working out some paperwork issues. Sadly even though he was the head of the company, he couldn't get out of it.

"Sir." Luke looked up from his desk to see Sarah standing in the doorway. "Yes Sarah?"
"Mr. James is here to see you, sir." Luke sat up a little puzzled. He hadn't called for James. What was it he wanted? "Send him in, Sarah." She nodded and moved aside for James to enter the room. He closed the door behind him and approached Luke's desk. He was wearing his usual jeans with that black leather jacket. His blonde hair was purposely messy looking and his eyes shown brightly as he stared at Luke.

"What can I do for you James?" Luke asked. Occasions luke this were rare. Usually he only saw James when he needed him for something.
"I would like to offer my services in a more permanent position." Luke raised an eyebrow questionable. It was his signature What the heck are you talking about? Look.
"I know everything that is going to be happening in the next few years. And with all that going on, you are going to want someone to watch over Tessa and Diana. So I'd like to offer my services to be their personal body guard for as long as you have me employed here." Luke was a little perplexed by how he knew so much all the time. It was slightly unnerving. James is a great guy and a very qualified body guard. But he had a way of knowing things that no one else had a clue about.

"I could escort them everywhere and even head up your security team at the house when you get that up and going... remember, the Striker family has always had it's enemies." Luke nodded. It was in his best interest to make sure Tessa and Diana had a capable bodyguard to watch them. And no doubt in his mind that James was the best fit.

"Okay. I will have Sarah go over the necessary paper work and you can start today. I guess. Tessa is taking Diana shopping. So I don't know if they are still home... And thank you James." He nodded and headed for the door. Luke wasn't sure if he was the one to talk to, but he needed someone. "James. Can I speak with you for another minute?" James stopped and turned to Luke at Luke.

"Of course. Is it about Tessa?" Luke let out a sigh. How did he know these things?
"Yes... yes it is." James took a seat in front of the large desk and leaned back. "Okay. So what's going on? Scared about being a first time dad?" Luke smiled. So maybe James didn't know exactly what it was about Tessa he needed to talk about. "Well a little. But that's not what this is about.... see for some reason I just can't bring myself to tell her that I love her." James smiled knowingly and nodded.

"Yeah. That's not to uncommon.. I myself had a hard time saying it the first time with my wife. But one day I finally sucked up everything holding me back and told her. After that it came out like a waterfall... now look at us. We are happily married with three kids. Trust me. It can be scary to say, even if you already know it deep down, but in the end it's so worth it." Luke breathed out and smiled. James was right. He just needed to tear down everything that was holding him back.

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