Chapter 5

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The next morning Tessa couldn't shake the feelings that dared show themselves. She hated what she had told Luke, but it was just sex. That's all she needed from him. It felt amazing to let go of all the things that held her back and just be with him last night, but there wasn't anything between them but animal attraction. Or at least that's what she told herself. Tessa couldn't bring herself to think of him any other way, he was a jerk-a arrogant self-centered jerk. But last night when he was with her she had never felt so alive, so she knew she couldn't just ignore the connection they shared there.

She thought back to when he lay on top of her; how he kissed her tenderly and the sincerity in his eyes when he had looked up to her face. It was uncharacteristic for him. Maybe there was a side to him she didn't know, maybe he was different underneath it all. Tessa wondered what had been in his mind after that, what he was thinking when he lay on her. One thing stuck with her though. And that was the look of betrayal and abandonment on Luke's face when she practically rejected him.

Guilt flooded her. How was she to know he had feelings. He always seemed like a heartless bastard, she figured he would enjoy her saying it was just sex. But that face he had given her told her differently. Gosh was he confusing to her.

Nova walked into the kitchen as Tessa sat at the table in her thoughts. "You look great this morning." Nova said with a wicked smile on her face. Tessa's eyes went big, had she found out about her and Luke? No way could she have known unless he told her.    "Really? I don't think I do." Tessa shrugged as she thought of Luke (being the dick he was) telling everyone that he had nailed her last night.

"Yeah. You look like you enjoyed yourself last night." How in the heck did she know? Tessa thought to herself.

"What do you mean?" She asked and Nova laughed and slid into the chair across from Tessa. "Look, I know you had sex. I can see it in your demeanor. You have the look of satisfaction on your face, it's not hard to figure out what it's about.  So spill, what's his name? You two serious?" Tessa looked at her friend in shock. Could it really be that easy to see? Even if it was, she couldn't tell her who it had been.

"Uh. Yeah I'm not giving out names, and no we aren't. It was just one of those things." She shrugged her shoulders and leaned back in her chair. Nova nodded.

"Yeah, I totally understand. Like guys don't get that women have needs too. Sometimes we just need a climax." Tessa and Nova laughed together as Nova went on about some of her worst 'times' and how she had never been able to find a guy that knew how to satisfy her the way she wanted. As she heard her friend talk about it Tessa started to think about how Luke seemed to match her passion perfectly. When they had connected that way it seemed perfect. More so then she had ever felt with any other man. It was odd how well they got along during sex, but yet on a normal bases they got along like cats and dogs. How could that be?

"You see in those movies and such, where the sex is staggering and the two people seem to know just what Each other want. That's the kind of connection I want!" Nova said in frustaition as she threw her hands in the air. "I need a guy who knows what the heck he is doing!" She laughed and a smile came to Tessa's face. It was great to have a friend like Nova. Tessa had once been like Nova, but she never was able to be as free and casual about it. Ever since she could remember Tessa had hid her true self from everyone. She envied how free Nova was. She didn't give a flip what others thought. She knew exactly what she wanted and wasn't afraid to go get it. That's what Tessa wished to be like. To just be herself and not worry about what others thought.

"Like a guy can own a fricken Lamborghini, but if he isn't a professional driver-then chances are he won't be able to use it to its full potential. I want a guy who knows how to handle my engine, ya know what I'm saying?" Tessa laughed and nodded her head. Nova certainly had a way of putting things. "So tell me, how was it last night?" She asked with a raised eyebrow as she leaned across the table.

For a moment Tessa hesitated to say a word, but heck, why not? "Oh my gosh, was it good!" She said allowing herself to revel in the pleasing memory. "I swear I haven't felt that high in my life." She admitted and Nova smiled.

"Lucky! The last guy I slept with was a total drag. He finished before I did and then just rolled over and went to sleep. I seriously had to finish the job for him." She complained with rolling eyes. Tessa laughed.

"Honestly he gave me pleasures I hadn't even known was possible. I don't remember the last time I made so much noise." Nova laughed and slammed her hand down on the table.

"Wow! Would you be willing to share this sex god with me?" She teased and Tessa shook her head. "Not happening. I'm not going to reveal his name or give you his number." Tess spit her tongue at Nova playfully and Nova brought a hand to her chest.

"Such a meany, keeping a sex god all to yourself." Liam walked into the room and looked at them both questionably. "Sex god? What the Hell are you girls talking about?" both girls burst out laughing at his expression.

"Oh, nothing. Tessa here just found herself a sex god and won't share him with me." Tessa flushed a bright shade of read and slapped Nova's arm. "Nova!" She said in embarrassment.

Liam looked shocked and extremely uncomfortable. "Okay then." He walked past the table and over to the fridge. Nova and Tessa giggled as they saw how uncomfortable that had made him.

"I don't understand you two." He said over his shoulder. Nova hopped to her feet and crept up behind. Tessa smiled as she watched Nova. She really was a weird woman. Nova slipped her hands around Liams waist and slid them under his shirt-bringing her hands up his abs "And what is it you don't understand big boy?" Tessa almost fell out of her seat with laughter. Nova was just such a character to live with. As she clutched her stomach from the laughter she heard someone else enter the room.

Looking up Tessa saw Luke. He looked incredible. Every bit of Tessa surged into attraction for him. His perfectly balanced body was hidden underneath the clothes he wore. She wanted to rip them off and search his body with hers. She looked over his delicious looking body and rested her attention on his face. His eyes gazed at Liam and Nova in surprise and amusement, before turning his attention to her. He looked at her knowingly and smirked. She was sure he was seeing her naked even though she was dressed. His eyes held nothing but mischief as he looked at her, it was thrilling somehow. But Tessa wasn't going to admit that, not even for a second. He gave her a wink and she rolled her eyes and averted her gaze to look at her brother. Although she watched Liam and Nova with her eyes, her mind was somewhere else.

Nova moved away from Liam and walked back over to the table. Tessa couldn't tell if Nova was just being herself, or if she actually liked Liam.

"So what's going on in here?" Luke asked with a chuckle. Liam looked like he had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar as he rush past look and dashed down the hall. Luke looked at Nova and Tessa questionable. "What did you do to him?"

Tessa had no idea what could possibly be wrong with Liam, but that had been strange. Nova shrugged her shoulders in innocence. Luke turned on his heels and headed out of the room. "I don't have time for this I got work." He said in frustaition as he walked down the hall to find Liam.

Tessa's mind shot back to the other night at the bar. When Luke had left the bar that night he dropped a fifty dollar bill for that one glass. Where did he work to get the money to drop like that? He had several hundreds and fifties that he put back into pocket. Tessa began wondering what he did. Luke and Liam never mentioned what he did.

"He looks like one tasty morsal." Nova said bringing Tessa back to reality. "Huh? What was that?" Nova rolled her eyes and stared at Tessa.

"I said that Luke looks like a Tasty morsal." A smile crept on to her face as she thought of how true Nova's statement was.

"Tasty, but conceited." She smirked

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