Chapter 6 - Part 2

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As Tessa lay on top of him, Luke found himself oddly whole. The pain of his life still beat at his heart, but somehow it didn't seem to break through. It seemed as if her being here guarded his heart from the pain. Almost as if she gave him the strength to fight longer against it. Inside him was a monster, but with her here it couldn't get out. Luke felt himself getting more attached with every moment he spent with her. She matched him perfectly in ways. But if she found out who he really was, would she stay?

He couldn't think of that. More and more he was realizing that he needed her somehow. He couldn't just let her go, but he couldn't take the chance on hurting her either. Luke found that he was at war with himself. Every fiber of his being wanted her, but there was a large chance she didn't want him. He thought back to the other night when she had rejected him. It was like another knife to his body.

His hand stroked her tender skin as he looked at her. She seemed so peaceful as she slept on him. The moment was so perfect. Part of him wanted to tell her everything, but he didn't want to take the chance on her rejecting him like others. How could she except him if she knew? No, he had to be the cocky dick as always. Luke couldn't take the vulnerability of opening up to someone. It was just to hard for him. Instead he would revel in the time he had with her, in the way she took away his hurt.

Luke placed a soft kiss on her head before closing his eyes. If it was one thing he needed it was sleep.


Several hours had passed since they both fell asleep. But Luke woke as he felt her pulling away from him. He gripped her in his arms not allowing her to move. "Luke." He heard her say in a whisper. Luke's eyes opened, the room was still dark. He looked over to the woman who dared to penetrate his shields.   "I need to go to my own bed, what if someone finds us here together?" Luke smiled and shook his head.  "Who cares." He said shrugging his shoulders.

He could see the agitation building in her.  "Well I sure the heck do!" She said in a loud whisper. Luke let out a chaste laugh. Tessa slapped her hand on his chest and stared at him in anger.  "I swear, Luke, if you don't let me get up I'll never have sex with you again." Much to his disappointment he released her.  She stood to her feet letting the blanket fall from her small body in front of him. Luke had never seen anything so-so breath taking. His eyes glided down her back and landed just above her backside. There on her belt line was a single tattoo. A tramp stamp. He smiled with intrigue.

The beautiful black ink swirled around three words. Each one penned in elegant letters. Luke tilted his head as he looked at the phase she had inscribed on her skin. The words definitely weren't in English.

            "Mansuetum Sed Ferox"

Luke was tempted to ask what it meant but she quickly made her way out of his room. Left alone in his bed it just seemed empty and lonely now. Once again his pain began to sink into his every fiber. Closing his eyes he tried to get more sleep. But one thing he was going to solve was what that tat meant.


Saturday morning arrived as Luke lay in his bed, missing the warmth of the person who use to lay next to him. One thought echoed in his mind; what did that tattoo mean. He got up and grabbed some clothes before he did anything. After all he was still naked. Luke walked from his room into the dining room and sat down in front of one of the laptops.

"If you're going to use the internet don't try. It's down at the moment. We're getting some one out her to fix it tomorrow." Luke turned and looked at Nova. Looking at her he noticed she seemed oddly refreshed today, not like the tired and slightly hungover woman he had come to know her as. She seemed bright and shiny, happy even.

"Thank you for telling me." Luke raised a eyebrow and studied her closely. "You seem chipper today." At that statement she smiled all the more.   "I am." Was all she said before exiting the room. Luke sat in confusion to her attitude. That was so unlike Nova. Tessa was usually the happy one, especially in the mornings. (Not to him of course.) But still it was odd.

Luke stood to his feet and headed back to his room. But before he could reach his door he was stopped by Liam.  "Hey man, how was your night?"

Luke paused for a moment as he thought about his evening. It was hard to describe. But he knew he couldn't tell Liam why it was. So he'd have to just give a plain answer.
"It was good. Yours?" A smile placed it self on his Liams lips.

"It was amazing!" He said plainly as his eyes became filled with joy. Luke stood puzzled as he saw Liams expression. What was with him? Luke's mind was already to distracted with a web of thoughts, he was in no state of mind to figure him out. Liam brushed past Luke as he continued on his way.

Luke had to find a way to calm the rollercoaster of thoughts that consumed him. Someway he needed to find a way to escape his mind, to escape himself.

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