Chapter 19 - Part 2

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Luke pulled the shirt over his head removing it from his body. He tossed it aside and undid the fasten on his jeans before sliding them off himself. Tessa seemed distracted tonight. She stood across the room undoing the buttons on her shirt. He wasn't sure what was bothering her. She had seemed so good at Vennessa's... that is, until right before they left. In the car she was quieter then normal. He shook his head and climbed into his bed. She was probably just tired.

He folded his arms behind his head and continued to watch her get undressed. Smiling at her as he thought about how well he knew each curve of her body. But he had to admit, as much as he loved how much she loved him and all; he missed her feisty side. It was one of the things he loved about her. The way she would be so defiant against his charms was just to damn sexy to pass up. He smirked at the thought of how he could rile her up a little later. Although he wanted to do so now, it might not be the best time right before bed.

"Hey kitty. Remember the time in the bar when you called me a dick and I said yes I have one?" Tessa turned around to look at him and put her hands on her hips. "Yes, I remember that." Luke began chuckling "Your face was so fucking cute! I had the hardest time not laughing that night." Tessa folded her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes. "You are still that dick sometimes aren't you?"

"You know it baby." He smirked and gave her a wink. She giggled and climbed onto the bed. Leaning over him she gave him a kiss and he placed his hands on her hips. Her lips felt soft against his. The taste was intoxicating to him. Urges were building up inside him. Slowly he brought more and more heat to the kiss. Her body began to react and comply with his. He wanted her, he needed her.

He grabbed her thighs as he sat up and she wrapped her legs around his torso. There they sat on the bed wrapped up tight; pressed against each other. His hands wondered her body taking her in. He felt his blood pumping hard and fast inside him.

Just when he thought things were about to go somewhere she pulled away and gave him a look that told him she needed to talk. The urges in him screamed at him to continue. But she had something she needed to say. He tried to calm himself down by pulling her off himself and moving away. Distance would help. It was still hard, but it helped. Sexual tension filled his body. He was so not in the mood to talk. But girls would be girls.

"Okay. What's on your mind, kitty."
He watched her expression change several times. It was obvious that she was struggling to tell him. That in it's self was enough to make Luke worried.   "Kitty?"

"Luke.... I... I don't want to bring up the past. Or cause waves between us but-" Luke eyes went wide. This wasn't good what ever it was.
"But What? Did I do something tonight? Is there something wrong with the baby? What is it Tess?!" He said in a panic and she shook her head

"You didn't do anything.. I just want you to know that Vennessa told me what happened in high school...." Luke felt his heart drop. Shame and grief filled ever bit of him. She knew... Vennessa had told her the one thing he didn't want her to ever find out about. He rubbed his hands over his face roughly and shook his head.

"I'm sorry Luke... I don't want you to be mad." Luke looked at her. She seemed tense and worried. Did she view him differently now? Was he now a threat to her? She was obviously scared to upset him.

He stood to his feet and headed for the door. She rushed after him and grabbed his arm. "Luke, don't. Don't go, please! I don't want you to leave." She pleaded with him. Everything in him told him to walk out. To leave and get as far away from here as possible. But his heart told him to stay.

"You're scared of me now. Aren't you?" She shook her head "no! Of course not. Why in the fucking hell would I be scared of You?" She place her hands on his face and caressed his cheeks. The warmth of her touch was enough to melt away the walls he was trying to rebuild in that moment.

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