Chapter 19

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Tessa walked slowly through the large open house. Everything in it looked expensive yet quaint. Vennessa seemed so nice though. She had long blonde hair that reached past her shoulders. Her eyes were a bright green and she was slightly taller then Tessa. Unfortunately a lot of people were taller then she.

"You have a beautiful house here." Tessa said as she twirled around slowly taking it all in. "Thank you darling."
"Oh please, call me Tessa."  "Alright. Tessa it is." Vennessa smiled. She heard the pitter patter of small feet and Tessa looked to the stairs. Down the stair ran a small girl. Her brown curls bounced about as she ran, swaying to and fro. Her bright emerald eyes held the most joy Tessa had ever seen.

"Luke!!" She squealed as she reached the bottom step and jumped into his arms. Luke caught her and lifted her up; spinning the two of them around in circles. The sight was so precious. Tessa had never seen Luke so happy. It was incredible. In that moment she saw him as the father he was going to be to their kids. A happy tear slipped out of her eye and she quickly brushed it away.
Luke stopped and turned to Tessa. Little Diana had her body wrapped around him. Her arms stretched over his shoulders and her legs wrapped tightly around his torso. Luke smiled at Tessa and rubbed Diana's back.

"Hey Diana. I have someone i want you to meet." Diana stopped giggling for a moment and pulled away to look him in the face.  "Who?" Luke placed her back on the floor softly and pointed to Tessa. She turned around to see. And for the first time Tessa looked at Diana straight on. She was a vision of innocence and beauty.

"Hi. I'm Tessa." Diana immideatly rushed over and flung herself around Tessa's legs. Tessa quickly corrected her balance and then looked at Luke shocked. Luke smiled and nodded.
"I know who you are. My Luke told me all about you. And I think you are even prettier then he said you were."
Tessa felt herself blush. Luke's eyes went wide at what Diana had just exposed. Seeing his face Tessa couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" Diana asked and moved back. "Oh nothing. Well Diana, I think you are much prettier then he told me too." Tessa watched as she tucked her arms behind her back and swiveled back and forth. "Thank you."

"Why don't you show her your room." Luke suggested. Diana seemed to run with the idea. Literally. She grabbed Tessa's hand and took off running up the stairs, dragging Tess behind her. Tessa tried her best to keep up with the ball of energy.

Both of them giggled as they made their way up the seemingly endless staircase to the second floor. A small open area awaited them at the top of the stairs. A soft rug covered most of the floor and a small chair with a table and bookshelf sat near by the staircase. Pictures covered most of the walls. So many of them were of Luke and his mother. But most of them she didn't recognize.

Tessa felt another tug on her hand and she rushed into motion again. Down a large hallway she watched as several doors flew by in a blur before they reached Diana's room.
"This is it." Diana shrugged. Tessa opened the door and walked in. The room lacked personal touches. It was plain but with scattered little girl stuff everywhere. It saddened Tessa a little bit. She knew it was because Diana was to move with Luke, but Luke had been putting it off because of Tessa. She let out a sigh as she thought about how she wasn't just effecting her own life, but the life of Luke and Diana.

Diana walked past her and plopped down on the bed. "So do you love Luke?" Tessa almost choked at the question. Diana was only six, but she was smart and right to the point. Tessa walked to the bed and climbed onto it; sitting with her legs Indian style.
"Well yes, I do." She smiled. "I really like him too. He is like a new daddy. My old daddy is a really bad man. But Luke is going to take care of me now." Tessa smiled and nodded. It was so sweet the way she saw him. And it was sweet the way he was looking after her.
"Well if he is going to be my new daddy. I guess you'll be my new mom. Right?" Tessa felt her eyes go wide. What was she supposed to say to that? This was all new to her. She froze and looked at Diana blankly.

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