Chapter 9

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Tessa and Heather rushed into her bedroom and Heather dropped herself on the bed. "What's with Luke calling you 'Kitty'?" Tessa laughed and shook her her head. "I have no clue. He has been calling me names like that since he arrived." Heather chuckled and rolled onto her side. Tessa stood in front of the mirror and brushed through her hair gently.

"So what did you want to talk about?" She hoped that Heather had gotten over their little spat in the diner yesterday. "Oh well first I want to apologise for my attitude yesterday. I was just stressed." Tessa nodded and smiled back to her. "But what I'm really here to do is tell you, I'm pregnant!" Tessa jumped and squealed. The brush in her hands dropped to the floor as Heather got up and began jumping up and down with her.

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing! Have you told Callen yet?" Heather shook her head. "Nope. I'm going to surprise him next week." They began jumping and squealing once again before they dropped onto the bed.

"I can't believe this. You're gonna be a mom!" Heather nodded in agreement. "I am going to be the godmother right?"
"Oh course! I wouldn't let anyone else play that role." Tessa and Heather laughed and talked about names for what felt like hours. Soon though Heather brought up Luke.

"So are you ever going to tell me what's going on between you and Luke?" Tessa sighed as she thought about it. She did need to talk to someone about it, even if she didn't want to admit that she had a thing for him, she did.

"Well. It's complicated." Heather raised an eyebrow and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You can tell me, you know that right?" Tessa nodded and tried to get herself to continue.
"Sex... that's what's between us." Heather looked shocked at her statement. She blinked her eyes a few times before she could say a word. "This is you we are talking about right? This isn't Nova." Tessa nodded and looked away.

"This is So unlike you Tess." The truth was that it wasn't, but in everyone else's eyes it was. And that was because of the act that she wore around everyone. In Reality this was something that would be classified as normal for her. But no one knew that but Tessa.

"How long has this been going on?" Tessa looked back to her friend with shame. "About a week." It was odd to think it had only been that short of a period of time. It felt like it had been so much longer.
"What is your brother going to think if he finds out?" Tessa stood up and put her hands to her sides. "He isn't going to find out, and you aren't to tell anyone about this conversation. My affairs are my own, and I don't want anyone knowing. I am enjoying my time with Luke and I won't let anyone screw that up."

"Hey, clearly the one getting screwed is you." Tessa felt shock at Heathers attitude. How could she be so unsupportive? "What the heck? I don't need this attitude form you Heather. You're my friend, I expect you to support my decisions." Heather let out a chaste sigh and stood to her feet.

"Tess, you are better then some sexual fling. Eventually he is going to get bored of you and you'll be left alone, and used." Tessa refused to believe that. For one she wasn't being used, she was using him.

"He is my sex toy, not the other way around." Tessa folded her arms over her chest and stared at Heather with angry eyes. "Are you sure?" She nodded without breaking her gaze once.

"Okay, you do what you want. But if he hurts you, don't say I didn't warn you."
"I won't. Now after you tell Callen, I have to come over and celebrate with y'all." Heather smiled at her and nodded in agreement.

"Everyone is going to be there to celebrate with us. Including Luke." She said as she nudged Tessa. Oh boy, now Heather is going to try and get then together, Tessa thought to herself.


The next week flew by in a blur. Between work and talking to Heather everything was hectic. She had late shifts at the bar and long days at the diner. To say she was exhausted would be an understatement. The thing that worried her though, was that Luke had seemed to be avoiding her. She wasn't sure what had happened. Did she do something wrong? The last night they had spent together had been amazing, but since then he had been keeping his distance. The last time she remembered him actually spending a moment with her was when he interrupted her shower.

Tessa wracked her brain trying to think of something she could've said to make him upset with her. But nothing came to mind. She didn't understand what had went wrong. If nothing else things were going so well between them. But with the way Luke was avoiding her, she had to assume that she was wrong. She hungered for his body, she burned for his touch. But as time past she became angry with him.

He was acting childish by avoiding her. If there was a problem he should just confront her about it. Instead he spent all his time trying to stay clear of her. It was frustrating to say the least. Maybe she let her own passion cloud her judgement. She should've stuck with her first instinct and only thought of him as the arrogant prick that he was.

She let herself fume with the anger that built rapidly inside her. How could she have fallen for his acts? She genuinely thought he had something behind all the arrogance, she let herself believe that he was a man in pain- waiting to be rescued, and that she could be the one to do that. Her hands clasped tightly around the Dogtags that hung around her neck. She leaned her head back and looked up to the beautiful night sky. Stars twinkle brightly above her. A tear slid down her cheek.

She had begun to think she fond a escape for herself, some one who understood her. But it was a lie. Tessa thought back to her dear great-aunt Megan, she was the only one who understood Tessa. But they had lost her when Tessa was 16. Ever since then, no one knew the real Tessa, no one understood her. Tessa felt alone in her life, even though there was people around. Not one of the ones she loved knew who she really was. In their eyes she was the innocent and pure one, the one who was strong in morals and meek in attitude. She was thought to be fragile, something that needed someone to protect her. Tame.

She closed her eyes and wished that she could find someone who would understand who she really was, and still love her the same. Someone who wouldn't judge her, someone who understood how she felt. She wanted someone who need her just as much as she would need them. To Tessa that seemed impossible and out of her reach.

She felt some sit down on the swing with her. She opened her eyes and saw it was Liam. He tucked a blanket over both of them then smiled leaned his head to her shoulder. "They are beautiful, aren't they." His voice was soothing, he had that super power of being an older brother. Somehow with being an older brother came gifts, like the ability to know when something bothered her, or the ability to make her feel safe just by hearing his voice. She didn't know what sister's were like, but she wouldn't trade her brother for anything in the world. Even if he didn't know her like he thought he did, he still meant everything to her.

"Yes they really are." Tessa let out a deep emotional breath. "Wanna tell me what's wrong?" She smiled at his direct approach and leaned her head onto his. "I just let myself believe in something that wasn't real."

"Want me to kick the guys a**?" Tessa chuckled at the thought. "You know I would. I'd get him good for hurting you, whoever the bastard may be."

"No need. I just wish I wasn't alone. I see Heather and Callen, and wonder why can't I have that. Ya know?" She felt him nod his head as he sighed.

"Yeah.. I get that sometimes too. You know a lot of guys want that as much as girls do. We want someone to lay next to, someone to protect and care for. It's an instinct that is put inside us from the moment we are born. We desire to have that kind of a relationship with a woman, and when we can't seem to find it, we often become pensive and depressed. Life seems to have no meaning." Tessa nodded. "That's exactly how it feels. Like I just have no meaning. No purpose."

"You'll find someone eventually. And that man will be the luckiest guy on earth." Tessa snuggled her head close to Liams. "Thank you."

There the two of them sat for hours it seemed, staring at the stars of the beautiful night sky. Maybe she didn't have someone in her life. But brothers made everything feel better. No one could take the place of Liam in her heart. He was her big bubba and her friend.

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