Chapter 14 - Part 2

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How she could make him feel so alive would always be a mystery to him. Luke sat slouched in the the backseat of her car as Tessa's naked body lay on his. His own body was exposed and cold. He thought about puting the keys in the ignition and turning the car on for some warmth, but he didn't want to bother Tessa.

He grabbed his jacket from the floor of the car and placed it over the both of them. There was no way he was going to stay out here all night, but he wanted to give her some time to rest after their long session.

It puzzled him how she had figured all of that stuff out. Even if she found out about his family money, how did she know about his reputation with women. Nothing like that had shown up in any magazines in a long time. He had managed to stay off the radar the last few years. So how did she find out about it?

The grip she had around his chest tightened as she moaned and snuggled against him. The heat from her body felt nice against his skin. He was getting so use to her body with his that it almost scared him. The monster inside him told him that he was going to hurt her soon if he didn't break away. But he couldn't let her go, she meant too much to him. But with the way she was talking before, it felt like he had already hurt her. If that's how she reacted to him being rich, how was she going to react to the thing he was most ashamed of?

She was made for him, he knew that inside. But he didn't want to hurt her, and he definetly didn't want to drag her into all his shit. The Striker family always had enemies, with money came big drama. He wasn't sure if she was ready for that kind of stuff. If it's one thing he didn't want to do, it was to put her in a position she wasn't ready to handle. But his secret was out, at least when it came to Tessa. Would she tell Liam? Luke let out a sigh. He should've told Liam years ago.

"Kitty... We need to go home." He spoke softly. A moan left her mouth as she snuggled close to him. He had the feeling that she wouldn't be able to drive herself home. Well that left him, so he would have to leave one of the cars here and just get it tomorrow.

"Kitty, I'll drive. But you still need to get dressed." She pulled away from him and yawned. Even tired she looked gorgeous. Luke searched the car for his clothes and started to pull them back on. As soon as he was dressed he climbed into the drivers seat of her car. "Kitty, where are the keys?" She climbed into the passenger seat and handed him the keys before she snuggled into the seat. A smile stretched across his face as he stared at her. He looked at her and could see a life together, the whole picture was in his mind. He saw her holding a baby in her arms and wearing a ring on her finger.

Luke shook his head. That was crazy to think about. There was no way he was ready for that kind of thing. He was still young and he knew he would be a horrible husband and father. Fear gripped him. Would he turn out like his father? It was hard to control his anger and rage. The monster inside him was destructive and he didn't want to take the chance of hurting a family of his own.

"Are you going to pull out?" Luke realized they were still parked. He was to busy off in his head that he had forgotten that he was supposed to be driving.

"Sorry, kitty." He pulled out and headed for home. The car clock said it was after 11pm and he knew Liam and Nova had to be home. His mind went into pinic mode as he tried to think of a lie he could tell Liam, something to explain why he was driving Tessa home at such a late hour.

They pulled into the driveway and he got out of the car. Tessa was dead asleep, so he walked around and opened her door. He undid her seatbelt and picked her up- caring her into the house. As he walked into the living room Liam stood looking at him with confusion on his face.

"What the heck is this about?" He said as he looked at Tessa in Lukes arms. Luke tried not to panic. He didn't want to expose what was between them, and he didn't want to anger Liam. Liam was his best friend, and he couldn't help but feel that he betrayed him by what he was doing with his sister.

"I'm just bringing her home. She called me needing a lift and someone to talk to." Liam looked suspiciously at him. "She called you when she needed to talk to someone?" Luke nodded. It sounded stupid even to him, but there was no way he could explain it any other way.

"She didn't want to tell Nova or Heather. And I guess she didn't want to bother you. But she kinda fell asleep after a while, so I drove her car home." Liam nodded and stepped aside.
"I'll believe you for now. But if I find out that was a lie, you better believe I'll have something to say about it."

Luke walked past and tried to ignore the fact that he just lied to his best friend. When Liam did find out, would he ever forgive him for all of this? Probably not.
He walked into her room and lay her down on the bed. She rolled onto her side and he pulled the blankets onto her. His hand swept some hair from her face and he took a moment to look at her.

"Luke, what are you doing?" Luke snapped his gaze to Liam. He stood in the door way looking at him puzzled. Luke figured he had caught sight of what Luke had just done. "What does she mean to You, man?" Luke stepped back from the bed and walked towards the door. He motioned for Liam to walk out with him and he closed her door softly behind them.

He wasn't sure how to answer him. What was he supposed to say? He couldn't say that she didn't mean anything, because he would never be able to say it in a convincing way. But Liam would never believe him if he told him how much he cared for her.

"I'm not sure what to say.... Liam, I really like her. She isn't like most girls. And just talking to her feels great." Liam looked at him and narrowed his eyebrows. Luke had a feeling he was about to get a long threat from him, but instead he just turned and walked away. Luke was left standing confused in the hallway. Why didn't he say anything? Why did he just walk away?

Luke was worried he was destroying his friendship. He was starting to be torn apart. Between Tessa and Liam, he wasn't sure what to do.

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