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Tessa placed an ornament on the beautiful Christmas tree in front of her. A smile came to her face as she then placed her hand lovingly on her stomach. As unflattering as the large baby bump was, she couldn't help but smile Every time she felt it.

"I found the tinsel, mom!" Tessa turned and smiled brightly at Diana. It was amazing how much she had grown in the past four years. Her brown curly hair had straightened out to being just wavy. But her green eyes still lit up a room. She looked so much like Luke.

"Thank you, sweety. You want to help me hang the rest of these?" Tessa said as she gestured to the box next to her. Diana skipped over to her and grabbed an ornament from the box. "This one is my favorite." She said as she hung it on the tree. Tessa smiled and nodded. As a child Tessa had her favorite ornaments as well. It was interesting to think that Diana would one day have this same moment with a daughter of her own. It was so amazing how far Luke and Diana had come from the battle for custody. It took a year and a half. But now Diana was Luke's and Tessa's. Luke had legally adopted her and she took the name of Striker. Tessa felt honored that she considered her as her mother. They had developed quite a bond over the years. Diana still remember her real parents but never claimed to be the daughter of Dan. Instead she insisted that her father would always be Luke, biology be damned.

"So when is dad gonna get home? He'll be here before the party right?" Diana asked in concern. Tessa nodded. "He will be here in an hour or so. The office kept him a little later then he had hoped." Diana nodded and picked up another ornament.
"You know what we need?" Tessa asked with a smile. "What?"

"Some music!" Tessa grabbed a remote and turned on the rather expensive stereo system. Christmas music filled the large, once quiet, house. Diana giggled and began to dance about with Tessa as they tossed tinsel on the tree. As Tessa watched Diana flow around the room in beautiful motion she thought about how she might have missed out on all of this. Holding her true self back all those years was a mistake. But letting it all go and become herself with Luke was the best decision she had ever made. Though their story was weird, And very inappropriate, it was something she'd never regret. And she would always cherish the beautiful family that came out of it.

"Its a bit loud." A strong male voice said over the music. Tessa looked to its origin. James stood in the doorway holding a little boy in his arms. The little boy rubbed his tired eyes as he lay his head against James. Tessa smiled and walked over to him. "Come here." She said as she picked him up in her arms. He rapped his arms around her neck and yawned.

"Hey, buddy." Diana chimed as she walked over and rubbed his back. "I guess we woke him with the music?" James nodded.
"Yeah. I was making my rounds when I heard him crying." Tessa smiled and gave the little boy a kiss. Then smoothed down some of his blonde hair. Though both Tessa and Luke were brunettes, their son was born with a head of blonde hair. Luke claimed it came from Melissa, Luke's  mother. She too had blonde hair. Frankly Tessa thought he was the most adorable son she could ever ask for. When she first found out she was pregnant years ago, she was so freaked out and dreaded being a mother. But now, she couldn't imagine a life without little Aiden in it.  "Oh, Aiden, mommy's sorry." She said rubbing his back lovingly.

"Wanna help sissy and me finish decorating the tree?" Aiden nodded and she put him down. He immediately rushed for the box and grabbed a handful of tinsel in his hand and threw it at the tree. Diana laughed and walked over to him, picking him up and handing him another handful of tinsel. Tessa stood next to James and watched as Diana held her three year old brother on her hip as they tossed the tinsel onto the tree.

"How is everything?" Tessa asked in a hushed tone. After four years she had gotten so used to having a team of body guards around all the time. It was weird at first. But when someone made an attempt on Luke's life three years ago, she was so happy to have them around to keep their family safe. She thought back to that moment years ago. It was right after Aiden was born.
Luke and Tessa had just gotten home from a check up with Aidens pediatrician. Tessa had the diaper bag and was helping Diana pick up something she dropped on the ground.  Luke was getting Aiden from his car seat. As he was picking him up Tessa heard a gun shot. Then several following it. In a panick she had looked over to her new husband and son when she saw the gun man being taken to the ground by James and a few of James'  men rushed over to Luke. Tessa ran to them in a panic and to their relief Aiden didn't receive a single scratch. Although Luke hand taken a shot to the arm when he turned to shield Aiden.
That day scared Tessa. She never believed Luke when he told her that The Striker family had enemy's until that day. It turned out that the man was hired by a competing company. He was put in jail for attempted murder. And since that day Tessa never questioned the need for constant protection.
Currently they were home, so the team surrounded the house and James kept a close eye on everything.

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