Preface: Upcoming Worries

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Copyright/Disclaimer: I do own the storyline and the characters of Amy Stein, Allison Luna, Jack Crowe, and some other characters based on this story. I, however, DO NOT own the character of Erik, or The Phantom, (that belongs strictly to Gaston Leroux, Susan Kay, and Andrew Lloyd Webber) and the same goes for Nadir Khan. 

Oh my God. I can't believe I'm doing this. I chastise myself. Waiting, like a flighty six-year old on his way to Disneyland, in the bathroom at work!! I keep pacing back and forth, hoping no one would come in here, at least no one but my best friend. I texted her a little while ago, she should be here about now.

The door opens with such force that it slams against the wall. My friend, flustered and slightly sweaty from her rush to the bathrooms enters in a panic. "What? What's going on?! Why'd you text me?"

I put my hand in the air to try and get her to stop talking. "Allison-"

"Y-y-you said-" she stutters as she pulls out her phone, reading the screen, "'-Allie, come quick; it's urgent.'"

"Allison!" I try to shush her again.

"So just tell me what's up?!" She shrieks.

"I'm trying!" I yell back, losing my patience. "Allison, calm your over exaggerated ways for a minute!"

Allison rolls her eyes and takes two deep breaths in order to become calm. "Okay," she whispers. "What's up?"

Ignoring her question, I walk over to the sink where the dreaded thing still denies to give me an answer. An answer that makes my stomach flip and my toes to curl. Sighing miserably, I look at the timer on my phone, which is laying innocently next to the sink. "We shall know in....thirty seconds." I let out a shaky breath, my heart hammering against my chest. I hold a shaking hand up to my forehead, trying to calm my nerves and worried thoughts.

"What?" Allison hiss whispers.

"Fifteen seconds and we'll know..." I mumble. "Oh, God; I'm so terrified!"

Allison rolls her eyes again, her patience dwindling. "Know' what? And 'terrified' of what?"

I jump slightly when the timer on my phone goes off, leaving me dead silent to muse in my thoughts; all of them unpleasant. I take one last shaky breath, looking up at the ceiling. I don't want to look down. I don't want to look down. But I need to, no-have to. If I don't....well, so many things could happen.

Unlike they already are.

Better do it now, before you loose your nerve. I tell myself.

I look down. My whole body freezes. Oh my gosh! Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! way...

"What?" Allison asks eagerly. "What what what what? Amy, you're scaring me. You've never looked so white before, not even in the sun." I ignore her reference toward my overly pale skin, which, I think, compliments my red hair that spirals down to my middle back.

My mouth agape, I pick up the test with delicate fingers, as if terrified to drop the thing. I look over toward Allison, shock evidently written across my features. 

"What?" She asks again, though softly this time.

"I'm pregnant."

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