Chapter 48: Seeing Jake (part 2)

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Sorry it's been FOREVER!!!!!! But here it is. We are getting closer and closer to the end. And sorry if it's not my best editing job, I was trying to hurry to get this updated. 


Erik and I went home with that silence, the picture of "our" baby in my hand. I continue to stare at it-at the little dot that will continue to get bigger and bigger and eventually develop into a grown human being. 

"So," breathes Erik, "Church meeting tonight, right?"

I nod. "Yep. First one since...oh, since a few weeks ago. I'm kind of excited for it." And I must remember  to be there for Rebecca and Jake. Particularly Rebecca. "Nervous, too," I add. 

"Me too." Erik reaches over and gently grasps my hand. 

I look at him, adoring him with my eyes. "I love you," I mumble to him softly. 

Erik grins and I can see the light reach his eyes.

He doesn't say it back, though.

And that's okay. Sure, it hurts when he doesn't say it back (more like a knife piercing the heart, but...) and it always makes me feel a little insecure, yet, I remain patient.

In a way though, it's worth it to just see him happy after I tell him-to know that my words and thoughts mean something to him. 

"When we're able to, do you want to know the sex of the baby?" I ask, trying to move on from the awkward silence. 

"Mmm. What do you want to do?"

I think about it for a moment, then smirk. "I've always liked suprirses."

Erik smiles. "I don't. But, in this case, I'll make an exception."

"Why don't you like suprises?" I ask, curious. 

"I've had way too many bad and scary ones in the past. Surpises always give me a small little heart attack."

"You were a surpise," I say. "A great one at that." It was a genuine truth. He was the best surpise I've ever received. A gift. A prayer answered. A life saver. 

I can do more sucking up if you want to, but I always save those moments for the right ones. 

Slowly, a small smile forms on Erik's lips. "I must say you were one, too."

I squeeze his hands tighter in response. 

We get home in one piece and hand-in-hand. I tuck my picture into my pocket before I open the door to the apartment. 

"Hello!" Allison chirps. I can see she's arragned all the chairs in their spots for the Church meeting.

"Hi," I say back. "See you're almost finished."

"Yep. Just need to place this last chair-" she acknowledges the one in her hand "-and get some pizza and drinks."

"I can do that if you want," Erik volunteers.

'Okay. Thank you, Erik."

Erik nods. "Then I guess I better get started on that. Sometimes it takes forever for them to make it."

I smile at him before giving him a kiss. "Be safe. See you soon."

He smiles in return. "Bye." 

He leaves. 

I turn around and face Allison, tying to hide a smile on my face. "I have great news."


"Actually I have two pieces of great news!" I am practically jumping on the balls of my feet.

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